Person of Interest

Jan 07, 2013 10:10

Inspired by
rosabelle 's new tv show post.

I have been meaning to start watching Person of Interest for awhile. The premise seemed fascinating and io9's constant praise of the show made it seem like a good idea. Honestly, I am not watching many plot driven shows, as opposed to shows that are more character driven, so it's a bit of a nice change of pace. I've only seen the first six episodes, (no spoilers please!) so it is possible that the show becomes more character driven as we learn more about them. Actually, take that back. The show is character driven, and that character is the machine. The slash goggles aren't on quite yet, but a quick look at AO3 says that they might be activated soon. I didn't read any of the descriptions of course for fear of spoilers, I just looked at the number of fics written for each pairing. I look forward to reading them and going through tumblr once I have caught up.
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