I said hot damn!

Aug 02, 2007 14:17

Jeez, i havent used this thing in AGES!! i remember the days of anticipating the school day to end just to come home to this thing and sit in front of it for ages just reading others peoples issues and myself confiding in it. Lol is that a word, confiding?

Anywhoo, i figured id give it a shot. Right now im in Germany and i leave this sunday and let me tell you, im so anticipating this sunday....Ive so appreciated this summer but it has provided the wierdest expirience ever..From being at the Martha Graham school in New York for a month and getting locked out the entire night from my apt there in the city to flying to germany (Dresden to be exact) and getting unbelievable lost and later expiriencing a death here, has been such (what i think will be) a growing expirience. Ive been dancing this whole summer and im just ready to be home and be where its comfortable just for a lil and then have junior year start and have a new challenge but still have some sort of comfort.

Ive also expirienced the CRAZIEST emotions over a particular someone and gone on this incredible journey with hopefully more to come, but i never knew i had what i had inside of me. Its insane. I dont know if im growing or what but we shall see in the long run. nevertheless i love this someone with all of my heart and they have been extremely special to me in these last couple of months. I hope the road ahead is an interesting but pleasurable and enjoyable one.

I must run now, but i forgot how good it feels to type a meaningful entry in this thing. Maybe i should rekindle the burnt out flame that was. Much love to everyone... i miss you all TERRIBLE!!!

PS: J.K Rowling has been my saving grace here in Deutschland.
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