Sep 03, 2003 15:20
Today was the first day of school, another same old same old year. It only took 7 hours to remind me how much I hate that effing place, and only 7 hours to remind me of the few things I enjoy in it. I love my friends, they have no idea how much they mean to me, they are the people I hold steadfast to when I don't want to go to my next class or perhaps when I go to my next mind numbing hour with them. I hate people, I hate all the people who have no f'ing respect for others, people who sit there and laugh when they haven't got the slightest clue. I love band, I will never let band down because it has never left me down, band is the only place where i'm surrounded by people who are really true people who aren't going to get in your face and mess with you for absolutely no reason. I hate certain Spanish teachers, who are so stupid and immature they could practically be in High School themselves, tell me when your teacher uses the word "G-bomb" to describe the word gay in a sentance saying you should not use it, doesn't that kind of make you go "huh?". I hate people who make fun of other people who did nothing to them, like today in English we were playing 2 truths and a lie to kind of all get acquanited and this girl on the otherside of the room was saying her stuff and ya she was kind of ditzy but what the hell? and this horizontally challenged blonde behind me just makes this rude comment and it was so shitty to do that. I want to go back to summer already, and be with people who aren't instantly judgemental. Tomorrow i'm getting real band back and I can't wait. I hope all the people in my P.E. switch into my class or else it's going to be a real crappy semester. I hate how school changes people, it turns them like the moon to a werewolf. They turn from normal people without a care in the world into frenzied schitzophrenics(sp?). School is just too much stress and i've only experienced 7 hours of it....