Aug 27, 2003 11:06
Wow look at me, i'm posting. I don't think I have posted in over a month. My last huge post was the twenty hundred quizzila things I took, which were pretty interesting. Anyway I've had a pretty good summer. I've been to Winthrop, WA, twice this summer, the first time to go camping on the lake, and the second in a cool ranch house that was like over a hundred years old and creaked everywhere but was really big and cool. I learned the first time that I am a champion intertuber w/ the right tube, and that I have potential wakeboarding. The second time I went I learned how easily I can get into fights with the rest of my family. Anyway I went on the same hike both times up this mountain up to "Goat Peak" and both times the ranger at the lookout at the very top was there. His name is "Lightning Bill" and he's the craziest guy I have ever met. He makes poetry and memorizes it word for word so he can tell all the people that come up there, he also takes a picture of every group that comes up to the look out. So he basically has a picture of everyone that has been on that hike for the last 13 years. So when I went the second time I looked and saw myself 2 weeks before then. He's also really "detailed" I guess he's constantly wiping down this map he has, he's not schitzophrenic (sp?) but he's one of those people who has to have everything in his possesion in the exact right place and everything has to be done by the book. Anyway I drove all the way home over the North Cascade Highway last Sunday, and it was really tiring. I didn't know driving sucked that much, my ass like fell asleep. I don't know but it was crazy, that whole highway hypnosis things is really lame. If I tried I could've fallen asleep driving down switchbacks, but I had my newly acquired Meteora cd and that kept me awake. Anyway I went school shopping the day after driving home, and I remembered how much I hate malls. I like walk in the doors and I instantly have a headache. It balanced out though, I finally got new shoes after like over a year of having the same ones. My old DVS Stratos a section of the bottom like pops out like a wing because it's ripped off all except for one side of it, it's really funny and cool I think. Anyway I also got a Dakine backpack I can't wait to take up to the pass. It's the red Heli-Pro and it was the last one they had a Zumiez, and I pulled it out and one of the guy's who worked there saw me with it, and was like, "Woah! Where did you find that? We've been looking for that all day." And I was just like I found it on the rack over there...? But anyway it's a cool pack, it was like 74.95 or something but it's guaranteed for life, and I can carry my snowboard on it. Although I don't really hike with my board anywhere but through the parking lot of Steven's Pass so? But it's cool because it has a place for a water bladder thing with the little plastic tube, but I think I will push my headphones through there during the school year and use it as my personal escape when walking from class to class. I'm all out of things to say, I guess I forgot to say anything about Lake Perrygin (First time at Winthrop). It was really cool I don't think I've had such a good time there. My father who in a past life must have been an activies director for some camp, came up with all these things to do every night at 7:30. Like the first night we played this game that I lost and I was sad. The 2nd night was like a scavenger hunt, the 3rd night was like a banana split contest, which I should have won but we had judges who were impersonating the American Idol judges and they were hard on me and easier on the little tykes. Anyway if anyone who reads this goes to Sheri's Candy Shoppe in Winthrop, Washington you can look on the wall of pictures and see me there twice. Once in a 2002 picture of everyone at our private camp ground, and twice where i'm in the Lake Perrygin Marching Band, ha good times...Anyway I've had a great last few weeks, for the Fourth of July I went to Roche Harbor on my dad's boat and took part in the huge party there, where every night we were there everyone got drunk and stumbled down the docks which makes up 95% of Roche Harbor, the other 5% is a building that is a store, bathrooms/showers, and restaurant. But it was cool, I walked up to the Mausoleum of this rich guy who lived on the island like a 100 years ago, I walked with like all the son/daughters of my dad's friends, and we all knew eachother so it was cool. I think that concludes the interesting part of my summer, I remember going to lunch with Aquila, Tomeka, and Leah although I wasn't supposed to be in Leah's car because of the whole intermediate permit thing, and she got in trouble. Oh ya and I want to Leah's "Furnished Cabin" with her for 3 days and that was cool. We played my most favorite board game "Risk" like 3 times, right after I got back I went and bought my own Risk game and played it when "I" went camping. Anyway I got to know David and John and they are pretty cool too. Anyway thanks Leah for taking me! I need to go eat breakfast I think I will post later, peace everybody.