I'd like to buy the world a Coke and fire bomb the Louvre...that isn't the words...damn.

Apr 02, 2009 10:54

1. Hi everyone.

2. Did you know that every year 400 people die from My Little Pony poisoning?  Scary.

3. My life is boring.  I wish it was...not so boring.  Actually it's ok, but it seems like it is the same shit all the time.

4. The KKK took my baby away.  :(

5. I'm sore as all get out from the gym this week.  That's what being away for 2 weeks will do to you.

6. I'm going to read Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace.  It's thick.

7. Sex is like a dishwasher...wait...I don't know how to finish that analogy.

8. Why are ladybugs called ladybugs?  They aren't all ladies.

9. Work is dumb.  When is my lottery ticket going to win me millions of dollars?

10. I believe that the underlying theme of Dr. Suess' One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish mirrors the main theme in Dostoyevsky's Underground Man almost exactly.  I'm not going to explain myself, you just have to trust me.

11. I'm sort of excited to see the work print of Wolverine.  I know it isn't finished, and I know that it is "wrong" and whatnot, but I don't care.  I want to see it, and I'm still going to see it in the theater.

12. Albums I've been listening to lately:
Lily Allen - It's Not Me It's You
Handsome Furs - Face Control
Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid
The Black Keys - Attack & Release
The Southtown Avengers - Title TBA (it might be Nonstop Getdown)


246. I love my iPhone more than you love your kids.

19. A few weeks ago I purchased the entire Nightmare on Elm Street collection from Amazon for 20 bucks.  Sweet.

20.  I watched Scream last night.  It rules.  I don't care what you say.

21. I recently purchased an Andy Kaufman action figure.  You should get one.

22. Zebras are the natural enemy of the blue whale.  Think about it.

23. This is Michael Jordan's number.  I bet I could beat him in a game of horse.

24. Speaking of basketball, what happened to J.R. Rider?

24. Also, where is Scottie Pippin, BJ Armstrong, Horace Grant, Bill Cartwright, and the rest of the '92 Bulls?

24. Jaquiline Kennedy Onasis wasn't all that attractive.

24. Mark my words, dog skin pants are going to be the hot new fashion for fall.

24. I really enjoyed the film I Love You, Man.  It's hilarious.

1,498. But I was going to go to Toshi Station to pick up some power converters!

24. Alright, I'm done

25. I'll leave you with this thought:  Friends are like dishwshers the more you...damn yeah that analogy isn't good for anything.

As always, here's some hot girl who will never be my girlfriend no matter how hard I try or how badly I want it.

Goodnight Ladies and Gentleman.

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