I know that there's got to be a lot of gamers out there...so i've decided to make a blogcrew for MMOs!
This is how it'll work:
give me the name of the game that you play and your character name in the game. simple. but make sure you give me an active character name :3
There should be no fighting in this since there can't be the same character name in the same game. if you'd like, you can show off your lvl.
You can name as many MMORPG as you want.
PLEASE PUT "MMORPG" in the subject of your comment!
http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l158/ilimari/tiny%20icons/cloud.png" />[ http://community.livejournal.com/monkeybutticons/2842.html">MMORPG NAME ] blogcrew 。{CHARACTER NAME}http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y77/ThisIsJustAFad/Tiny%20Word%20Icons/yo.gif" />
Hero Online:
swtlilqtj - tiramisumilk
rokumanako - zombieh
Maple Story:
kyuu333 - kyuu333