Mar 06, 2004 10:22
"Today you could feel very determined when it comes to a certain auspicious romantic situation. The celestial atmosphere means that if you have been tempted recently to think that you can reach your goal just by sitting and looking pretty, then you will suddenly realize the error of your ways. The person in question wants a definite sign of commitment from you before they share their feelings."
but feelings have already been shared! so what? now i'm not 'sposed to just sit back and wait? eh, oh! i'm over it... listening to this really awesome site * sent me... it's all kindsa electronic music, the shit she likes... i like some, but some... ewww. reminds me of rave days with kim, and ooh what's her face ? andra. ick! hum drum...
i was so depressed last night. i went home, went to sleep, and didn't get up til like 9 when my sister got home from my mom's house... went downstairs, made myself a bagel with cottage cheese on top and chowed... smoked a couple cig's then went back upstairs... jumped in the shower and chopped a chunk out of my pinky fingernail shaving my vagina... errrr! i wrote * a letter, sent them today... and tried to fix my monitor... no such luck. read a little online about changing the battery, so i'll try that once i get paid and if that doesn't fix it, i'll have to wait on it til i move... can't afford it now. but then i'll cancel my DSL and i'll save money on that as well... ugh! i hit the vibe ooooooooooooooooh, yeah... then crashed.
now here at work. i'm so over this place. it effing sucks... just trying to keep a positive attitude until i can say "FUCK YOU!" for good... ::sigh::
tonight is the normandie room with mel... YAY! after... wanting to go pick up shay and have a play piercing party at my house with her and mandy... oooh... can't wait! even if it's postponed... i have a boner just thinking about it... Mmm, now if only * was here to take the sexual energy out on... man... grrrrr... someone is in trooooooouble come june! <3<3<3
aiight, i'm out. fuck this shit.