m(_ _)m Drabbles - Saiyuki Gaiden

May 02, 2005 21:06

For J's Gaiden request. I'll refraim from saying with what characters though. ^_^

The hour was late, but no later than usual for him. Goujun closed his office door and started the long walk towards his quarters. The only light came from the silver moon outside and the glowing red lamps that lit his way. This moment, when the evening quiet filled the halls of heaven, was one of his favorites.

He stopped by one window to admire the shadows on the grass and noticed something quite unusual for this late hour.

Outside, a familiar figure sat on a bench. Next to him, there was one bottle of wine.

And two glasses.


He held up his hand to refuse, but Tenpou had already started pouring the wine.

"The bottle is open, and look-" he tossed the cork into the bushes, then turned to Goujun, and held out a glass. "I’ve somehow lost the cork, so we’ll just have to finish it all tonight."

Against his better judgment, he reached out and took it. But not without reservations. "You are very strange, Marshal."

Tenpou held out his own full glass. "Cheers to that."

The stone bench was cool beneath them, and when he looked down, he saw silver reflected in waves of red.


It was not easy to inebriate the Dragon King, certainly not on one bottle of wine, but somehow, he found himself squinting at his glass, watching the light dance against its surface. "...This is not normal wine."

"You noticed?" With Tenpou’s back to the moon, Goujun couldn’t see his smile, but he knew it was there.

He felt his mind slowing, but still, something very clear stood out in the growing fog. "This glass was not meant for me."

"Very perceptive, Sir. As always." Tenpou sighed and took Goujun’s glass away.

He awoke with only the cold bench beneath him.

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