Holiday Drabble - 30 Dec 2012

Dec 30, 2012 13:28

BBC Sherlock
Length: 100
Rating: PG

Inspired by a Facebook photo meme. You'll know the one...
Prompt provided by methylviolet10b.

The three men stared at the thing in mute horror. Lestrade was the first to speak.

"I think we're cut off."

"Excellent deduction," slurred Sherlock.

John stared at the twisted metal and plastic in his hand. He began to giggle softly.

"Although... It is open." Lestrade held out his empty glass.

Focussing hard, Sherlock took the wine bottle John had opened and poured Lestrade and himself another drink. "John? John?"

Giggles turned to hysterical laughter as John regarded the corkscrew embedded in the screw cap from the wine.

"John says he'll forego this round."

"That's probably for the best."


holiday, bbc-sherlock, fanfiction, drabble

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