Holiday Drabble - 29 Dec 2012

Dec 29, 2012 15:07

BBC Sherlock
Length: 100
Rating: PG

A little dialogue-only fic for the slashy amongst us. Hope you enjoy!

Mistletoe )

holiday, holmes/watson, bbc-sherlock, fanfiction, drabble

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Comments 2

methylviolet10b January 2 2013, 02:30:46 UTC
Bwhahahaha! Impeccable logic, John. ;-) Nice one!

(And hurrah, I seem to be able to get onto LJ again!)


monkeybard January 2 2013, 02:47:06 UTC
:-D He had to have the last word on this one.

(Was LJ down? I must've got lucky and missed it.)


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