Of all the weird things to be doing on a Tuesday night/Wednesday morning

Mar 12, 2008 01:12

I've just photoshopped my head.

This is getting waaaaaaaaaay too surreal for me. Plus, I have no current photos. I may not be particularly photogenic, but still... somebody must have pointed a camera at me at some point over the last twelve months and taken something that wasn't hopelessly blurred and/or pixellated? Cheers once again to Mrs. Monkey for doing the impromptu photoshoot and making me pose and stuff. Then, of course, she leaves me to do the cropping/colour adjustment stuff and buggers off to bed. Where I'm heading shortly.

Life honestly couldn't be much weirder than it's been over the last couple of weeks.* More on this when I have some real news to share.

* I just realised that the "instructions" on our fancypants Dyson Airblade Hand driers reads like something out of a veterinary manual:

1) Insert Hands
2) Remove Slowly
3) Ensure Calf is breathing...


random, pictures, nonsense, not news

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