I think my mp3 player is either a) intelligent or b) possessed. It's taken to doing some very peculiar things while on 'shuffle' setting. (I don't know about anyone else, but I always got the feeling that shuffle implies some kind of furtive activity - like it should skulk while playing)
Anyway, it has particular 'issues' with certain... well, music. For example, it seems to have developed a trait whereby it plays at least two tracks from each album back-to-back. (I say developed because it wasn't doing this the other week. Oh no. Only since I used the battery that I... inadvertently put through the wash in my best pair of jeans. (Shh - don't tell anyone) I swear, one of these days I'm going to learn to check my pockets before I put a wash on.) So far so very coincidental. In itself, not much in the way of evidence to support the emergence of a new order of artificial intelligence.
Slightly more worryingly, though, it seems to know what kind of music I want to listen to. If I'm in the mood for really loud rock, that's what it plays. When I want traditional stuff, guess what? I'm bombarded with track after track of jigs and reels.
In the last couple of weeks, though, it seems to have developed preferences... Especially where
Muse is concerned. Every time it 'randomly' selects a Muse track, it then goes on to play the rest of the album. Once, it even jumped back from Butterflies and Hurricanes to the Intro, and then proceeded to play the whole album from the very start. The last time, it began with Time is Running Out, and by the time I'd got home, it had finished the whole of Absolution and gone on to Black Holes and Revelations.
It has never, and I mean NEVER played anything by
At what point should I start to get scared? When it takes to singing along? When it starts murmuring sweet nothings to me in between tracks? When I wake up in the middle of the night to find I'm wearing the damn headphones and it's whispering kill, kill, kill...?
(starting to think I might have been better off with a CD player - at least it wasn't trying to take over my brain...) No, honestly, I wasn't talking about you, I would never suggest getting rid of you, I really like hearing the same Alanis Morisette song over and over and over again...
Better go. Otherwise I shall never hear the end of it.