Plot Bunnies Are Evil

May 26, 2006 15:02

Plot. Bunnies. Are. Evil.

Whilst innocently making tea, had an incident involving an American-style school bus, several plot bunnies, and a leather jacket. It's all mara_sho's fault. She said she was steering her fic away from slash (not sure which one - there's rather a lot of them on the go. You'll need to ask her). I said "good - steer away from the slash, and try and run over the plot bunnies while you're at it." "Too late for that," she replies. "What," I said, "you mean they're driving the bus?" Cue shared mental image (scary - caution advised)

One bunny is driving, holding on to the bottom of the steering wheel, and because its legs don't reach the ground, there's another bunny jumping furiously up and down on the accelerator. The bunny that's steering is quite short, so only its ears can be seen above the dash. Consequently it can't see, and so there's another bunny, actually standing on the dash, shouting directions...

And yes, it made us both laugh until there were tears, and now my face hurts. By the way, two of the bunnies were mooning out of the back of the bus.

And there was one more, half way up the bus, wearing a leather jacket, and smoking surreptitiously behind the seat in front...

Ah, Fridays, you've gotta love 'em.

plot bunnies

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