Apr 06, 2007 15:29
Apart from being horribly and disgustingly ill over the last week or so (I won't share for reasons of ick) I have the usual end-of-term assignment crushage. New semester, new challenges. Same old, same old. Except...
Right here's what it's supposed to be. A "genesis document". WTF? The brief is to "stand back and try to reify your creative work, to distance yourself from process and to consider it as product..." Seriously, WTF.
Thus, in an attempt to "describe, evoke, dramatise or otherwise disclose the project" I've written a wee scripty-like thing, trying to incorporate the essential elements of what I've been asked to do. So far so very similar to what about a dozen other people have done. Must be that word dramatise.
What I want to know is... where did the mexican wrestlers come from?
And anyone who answers "Mexico" gets a slap.