Feb 14, 2007 17:03
To the moron who backed into me while pulling out of the Bennet Center this morning at 11:35:
You f-cking idiot. Here are few tips for getting by in the real world that the rest of us live in.
1) When backing up, make sure you can see out of your rear window
2) When someone is laying on the horn, don't keep doing what you're doing
3) When you've hit another car, the proper course of action is to get out and make sure the damage isn't bad and to trade information
4) The Bennet Center has video surveilance. You're lucky my car's not damaged, or your ass would be grass, you f-cking idiot.
The fact that you've made it this far is impressive, but you need to grow a clue before the evil oxygen faries stop supplying you with your daily sustenance. Congratulations on receiving moron of the year award and it's only February.