I'm looking for any pictures of the guys from the 60s that are of them reading magazines with themselves on the cover/pages. I know I've seen one like this of Peter,but can't find it back... Thanks for any help!:D For legality:
I'm looking for a screencap .Its from the episode that the guys are in the hospital looking for Peter.Mike,Micky and Davy lean around a door and peek out into the hallway. Does anyone have a cap of this scene,please?:)
Does anyone have screencaps of the episode "Fairy Tale",please? I went through the archives on here,and somebody had capped them but I can't open RAR files.:(
I'd love if you guys could throw my way every picture of Davy and Talia you have,please.:) I'm working on a graphic of them,and need a few more pictures.:)
So. It's no secret I love Baby Face. lol. It's not my fault I read a couple really good story's based around him which expanded his character a million times more then in the show and therefor making me really like him lol
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