"Defenders of speciesism often argue that humans are superior to other species because of their greater intelligence. Taken to its logical extreme, this argument would imply that humans with higher I.Q. scores should have more rights than humans with lower I.Q. scores."
I agree that its like trying to get a square block through a round hole, getting a better idea into someone's square and society-conditioned brain is sure tough.
How do you get the idea that you know so much about animals? You haven't ever sat down to communicate with a squirrel to see why they may have chosen that particular nut. Animals are far more intelligent than you give them credit for, it isn't their fault we are too stupid to speak their language.
Chewbacca says a ton. Han Solo knows, but you don't understand a word he said ( ... )
I've had enough of your insults and you complete self-righteousness.
Have a nice life.
As for your vegetarianism, go on, keep on keepin on.
Scavengers will pick off of something that's already been killed, unlike lions who do hunt.
You have no idea why other people do things unless you listen to them, and you've obviously missed the point. By a longshot.
Just because I eat meat doesn't mean I lack compassion. This is what I'm talking about with your self-righteousness you talk down to me and others who don't see it your way.
Like I said, lions are more scavengers than hunters, I didn't say they didn't hunt. I just said they were more scavengers than hunters. That doesn't mean they aren't hunters.
It's a toss up.
But as to the point that lions are "responsible", that's poppycock.
I'm sorry you think I speak down to you. You insisting that you know my motives and that they are "self righteous" is speaking down to me. I am only trying to get people to examine. Maybe you know other people who promote the same things I do in a different way, and in those similarities it provokes thoughts of hostility because of what you have seen somebody else do.
If me questioning your logic and very method of existance insults you, then I don't think you are actually as confidant of your position as you think you are.
You're questioning my behavior by saying things like "You lack compassion".
That has nothing to do with my logic.
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