Feb 16, 2005 15:53
I'm done! I feel so relieved. I've been such a bad little girl this week. I had this presentation and formal paper due today in English class and all week I've been putting it off for stupid things. Long story short, I wound up not going to bed until 5:00 this morning with the paper still unfinished and the presentation not started, somehow turned off my alarm in my sleep and missed my first two classes, skipped Spanish to work on the presentation, and never got the chance to finish preparing the presentation or even practice it at all. It went well, I think though. At least a lot better than I had thought it could be. Hopefully my talking was in some coherent fashion and logical order, but I really don't know. I'm just happy to have a roommate who was up with me til 4:30 working on her own paper, who also slept through her morning classes, and who prayed with me right before my presentation to calm my nerves and give me confidence. Yay for answered prayers!
I'm so relieved that is all over. Now I need to see if I can turn in my Spanish hw late and find out what went on in my other classes . . . and clean my room, and do laundry, and study for a Spanish test tomorrow, and do dishes, and maybe sleep, probably eat since I've only had a pink starbust (that we got during a presentation) and a piece of gum, and most importantly spend some time with God. Sigh.