LEGEND OF MAYFIELD II: The Bubbly Blubber Battle!

Nov 05, 2011 21:37

[BACKDATED TO OCTOBER 25 (Second Day of "It Came from the Dairy Aisle" Event)]

[ACTION (Anywhere in Mayfield, Afternoon, OPEN TO ALL)]

[Key-Fu's dropped all pretense of trying to fit in the assigned career Mayfield gave him upon seeing that giant blob spreading throughout the town, engulfing everything it touches.]

It is improbable! A deluge of digesting digestibles daunts downtown! Truly the fruit of justice is ripe for the picking!

[Key-Fu isn't the type to cleave to common sense. As far as he's concerned, this is the perfect time to grab the metaphorical bull by the horns and perform a German Suplex! He charges right toward the advancing blob and begins punching and kicking it in a magnificent display of mixed martial arts.]

[Unfortunately, this is proving about as effective as trying to beat up the Atlantic Ocean.]

I feel that I have received an invitation to the titanic taffy factory!

[Key-Fu is still trying and failing to break free through sheer force of martial arts prowess! Yet with every punch and kick that successfully shakes loose some of the goop, he's getting himself more and more submerged into the greater mass like Hollywood quicksand ... until he's completely enveloped by it.]

[He tries to perform a spinkick, but only winds up spinning round and round in place.]

Forsooth, I have become the dreidel of Bill Cosby!

[Feel free to break him out, or meet him in the blobby mass!]

^misogi kumagawa, you sonova blob!, ^heinz doofenshmirtz, @mayfield, ^event: it came from the dairy aisle, i'd like some fruitcake ... wait no, ^event, mayfield is now one big mosh pit, *action

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