Reply, and I'll give you a letter. Find five songs that start with that letter and post them to your journal.
My letter is "K" (Damn you Tim!)
1. Kinda I Want To - Nine Inch Nails
2. Katrina's Fair - 10000 Maniacs
3. Kooks - David Bowie
4. Kill the DJ - Peeping Tom
5. Know It All - Lagwagon
Okay, this is called FIRST REACTION. Type what comes to your mind first whenever you hear these 35 words. Don't think about it, and don't go back and change your answers. It doesn't matter how random your answer is: just type it!
1. Cigarettes: nausea
2. Sex: fun
3. Relationships: lasting
4. Your Last Ex: I don't know where he is.
5. Power Rangers: Jlly Rogers
6. Marijuana: some guy came in yesterday and reeked of it.
7. Crack: Whitney Houston
8. Food: is good.
9. The President: crispy
10. War: Star Wars
11. Cars: Honda
12. Gas Prices: UGH!
13. Halloween: Borg!
14. Bon Jovi: New Jersey
15. Religion: Bad Religion
16. MySpace: Communists have Ourspace.
17. Worst Fear: dying
18. Marriage: happy
19. Fashion: don't care
20. Brunettes: sexy
21. Redheads: Bobby Flay
22: Work: annoying
23: Pass the time: music
24. One night stands: not my business
25: Cell Phone: useful
26: Pet Peeves: belt loops (people missing belt loops while wearing belts)
27: Pixie Stix: sugar rush
28: Vanilla Ice cream: with pineapple
29: Port-a-Potties: smelly
30: High school: rumors
31: Pajamas: nightgowns
32. Wood: cherry
33. Surfers: Spicoli
34. Pictures: baby
35. First Love: Derek