So I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on with me. I made a decision about my eye and saw my surgeon on Monday. I'm having an evisceration done on April 27th.
An evisceration is different that an enucleation. An enucleation is where the optic nerve is severed, the muscles are cut
and the entire eyeball is removed. A ball is then placed in donor sclera and the muscles are re-attached. And then a shell (similar to what I already have, only thicker) will go over the donor sclera.
This is more invasive and more painful in the healing process since the nerve and eight muscles are cut and the muscles have to re-grow onto the donor sclera. It also results in more scar tissue and less movement of the prosthetic shell.
An evisceration is where the eye is cut 360 degrees in front of the muscles, leaving them and the optic nerve intact. The front of the eye (cornea, iris, and pupil) is removed.
(the dark blue is where the incision is made)
The inside of the eye is then cleaned out and a ball is placed within my own eyeball. My own scleral is then sutured together and after healing a shell is worn over that. There is better movement since the muscles have never been cut away.
If all goes well this will be the end and I can get on with my life. If I continue to have pain then they will go back and enucleate the entire eye. I just hope that whatever caused all of this is not still in my body and doesn't attack my other eye or somewhere else.