Jun 03, 2003 23:03
They took 10 vials of blood, at least 16 tests. I was all loopy afterward. Started on cancer drugs today. CellCept (Mycophenolate Mofetil). Half dose (500mg/day) for 2 weeks to see how I react to them. It is actually a drug that organ transplant patients use to prevent rejection. It's a immunosuppressant, which means I am now susceptible to all kinds of wonderful diseases. And being that I work at a theme park where I come in contact with all kinds of people from all over the world, who knows what I can get.
It prolly won't cause my hair to fall out though. Need to read up on it more. I can't get pregnant while on this drug. Not that I want to get pregnant while on any of these drugs or while whatever this is is still in my system. It shouldn't effect my reproductive system. That's good. I won't have to freeze any eggs. And I am "allowed" to get pregnant 2 months after I'm off Cell Cept. I am on this oral drug for just right now because the rheumatologist (Dr. Kempf) actually wants me to go on an injection therapy. There are 3 to choose from. Two that I would have to inject myself. Ick! (one is twice a month -Humira ~adalimumab, the other is 8 times a month -Enbrel ~etanercept). The third option which what Dr. Kempf wants is an IV therapy every 4-8 weeks -Remicade ~infliximab. The problem is my insurance may not cover these therapies even though they will prolly work because it is not the main use for these types of therapies. They are generally used for Rheumatoid Arthritis. So Dr. Kempf is starting a petition now hoping they will pay for it in 2-3 months from now. Damn insurance companies!
Still on high dose of Prednisone steroid. That sucks. But I'm on it just to "quiet down" the inflammation in my eye (which is worse than it ever was) and then taper down again but stay on the Cellcept. Cross your fingers everyone! I'm really getting tired of all this crap.