Title: Four Stages Pairing: KaiHun, HunHan Author: monick87 Length: Oneshot Genre: Angst Warnings: Smut and the fact that this is unbeta'd Rate: NC-17 Disclaimer: Don't own anything but the plot. Summary: Kai compares Sehun to things...
he can help but wonder if this is how Sehun looks like when Luhan is the one inside him. good enough for my not!hunhan shipper soul. yep. lu han tops.
Luhan is a wonderful person, a great friend and very handsome. He is the closest thing to perfection and he knows he doesn’t deserve what he and Sehun are doing to him, but he really can’t help it. Jongin prefers to have Sehun this way than not having him at all, even if he feels guilty, ashamed and hurt afterwards.
good enough for my not!hunhan shipper soul. yep. lu han tops.
Luhan is a wonderful person, a great friend and very handsome. He is the closest thing to perfection and he knows he doesn’t deserve what he and Sehun are doing to him, but he really can’t help it. Jongin prefers to have Sehun this way than not having him at all, even if he feels guilty, ashamed and hurt afterwards.
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