Series: Family
Title: Domestic Life - Part 9
Pairing: HoMin
monick87 &
dc_flagLength: One big ass one-shot
Genre: AU
Warnings: Mpreg, explicit sex
Rate: NC- 17
Disclaimer: Don't own anything but the plot
Summary: Maybe being so domestic it isn't so easy for Yunho and Changmin.
A/N: I promise I'll organize everything as soon as I have time! *hides*
Surprise...You're Pregnant!2.
The Baby Years - Newborn3.
The Baby Years - 3 Months4.
The Baby Years - 6 Months5.
The Baby Years - 9 Months6-1.
The Baby Years - 12 Months6-2.
The Baby Years - 12 Months7.
The Wedding8.
Domestic Life - 19-2.
Domestic Life - 29-3.
Domestic Life - 39-4.
Domestic Life - 49-5.
Domestic Life - 59-6.
Domestic Life - 69-7.
Domestic Life - 79-8.
Domestic Life - 8 ::7 Months Later in Japan::
::July 2017::
Since both he and Changmin had work in Japan for a few days, they decided to bring all three children. For tonight, they were all out at one of Changmin’s favorite Japanese restaurant for dinner. Changmin was holding a 9-month-old JiMin, who just smiled at everyone. She was so fidgety, and loved to move everywhere. The young man stood her up on his lap, and she clapped her hands.
“Daddy, can we go look at the big fish?” JiYool asked in perfect Japanese.
Yunho placed his chopsticks down, and wiped his mouth on his napkin. “Yeah, but stay were appa and I can see you, princess.”
She nodded, and took ChinHae’s hand in hers. They walked over to the fish tank, and looked at all the fishes inside. Yunho reached over for JiMin, and Changmin handed her over quickly.
Changmin was extremely happy too, because he could finally began eating his spicy ramen, and rice. Yunho was opening up his fortune cookie, and tried to keep the plastic away from JiMin’s grabby hands.
“Little princess.” He smiled at his daughter. “This isn’t for you.” JiMin grunted and reached for the plastic again. “No, my love.”
Changmin held open his hand, and Yunho placed the cookie into it. He sat his own pair of chopsticks down, and opened it.
“What the fortune say, baby?” Yunho asked as he held the baby girl up under her arms, as he passed her bottle.
Changmin looked at it, and read it aloud. “Even though times get hard, and the journey is long, don’t stop believing. Your prize awaits you at the end.”
Yunho sat JiMin in his lap and opened the other one. “Within the next few years, you will overcome obstacles, to strengthen your relationship.”
“Nonsense,” Changmin said before finishing eating his food.
Yunho smiled. “Yeah, but I’m keeping them,” he said taking both small papers.
“Why?” Changmin questioned.
Yunho looked at him. “Because, I believe in them.”
“Sap,” Changmin joked, as he wiped JiMin’s drooly mouth. “Your daddy is an emotional sap, little princess.”
The older man blushed. “I’m a sap for true love,” he answered back, as he leaned forward to kiss his husband on his lips. “It found me you, Minnie.”
“Oh God! Your sappiness makes me want to throw up!” Changmin said, pretending to be horrified.
“Love you, too.” Yunho whispered back.
Changmin smiled, and looked over at his family. His 2 little girls, his little boy, and his handsome husband: Jung Yunho.
Changmin never believed in true love, but Yunho managed to change that the moment he insulted him all those years ago. Who would have known that the ice cold teenager he met, would become the love of his life, and father of his three children.
Changmin sighed contently, and smiled even more to himself.
“What is it, Min?” Yunho asked, taking his husbands hand.
“Just thinking,” Changmin answered.
Yunho nodded. “About?”
“Our family.” The younger smiled.
Yunho smiled back at his husband, and looked over at JiYool, and ChinHae. Their daughter turned back to face their table, and waved at her parents. ChinHae turned back and made the heart sign to his parents and little sister. Yunho blew a kiss to them, and waved back.
“Our family is perfect.” Yunho smiled.
Changmin nodded. “Thanks to me.”
“Thanks to us baby,” Yunho said with a smile, and a kiss to JiMin’s cheek. “Thanks for giving them to me.”
Changmin smiled this time. “Sap, but you’re welcomed.”
Yunho laughed and buried his face in his daughter soft hair. “Our journey is just beginning, Min.”
Changmin nodded, and held out his beer cup. “To our family and journey.”
“To our family and journey,” Yunho repeated back, and smiled at his husband. JiMin made a protest, which caused her parent to laugh. “We love you, too, little princess.”
With that said, the family of five spent the rest of the day together, and enjoyed each other presence.
A/N: It's officially over! :) This is the last part of this universe stories and we're both sad and glad about that! Tell us what you think! :D
I've been very sick thanks to drinking too much spicy food and coffee so I've been having the worst gastritis pain and such. I might not be able to be online as much as I used to thanks to that because I need to rest and don't stress and a lot of things, so yeah.
Chapter 9 of Catch Me is gonna be up soon, I hope! :D And well, my other stories, please bear a little more~ *makes puppy eyes*
Thank you so much for everything! :D