Gunday makes me so happy~

Nov 24, 2008 22:55

SO. I watched the new Gundam ep.

So, after having calmed down a bit, there are my thoughts.

The incoherent version:

...I-It wasn't a shoop after all.

The more coherent version-- although really, I still don't think anyone would get it.
1. I forgot everything that happened in the first half of the ep.
2. Feldt~
3. Tieria makes a lovely, lovely lady.
4. A lovely, lovely, lady.
5. You know what, I bet you Sunrise is stalking LJ for plot bunnies. Because Tieria in a dress with cleavage is really, really, what most of us have been hoping for for a very~~ long time.
6. Setsuna as a driver = XD.
7. TIERIA HAS A GUN INSIDE HIS STOCKING GARTER DRESS THING. Yeah, my knowledge of dresses and fashion is negative five hundred. BUT GOD. He had black stockings.
8. Ribbons is so FABULOUS. The ability to dance and swoooooop Tieria-- yeah, I'm ranting. I musn't be the only one reminded of some cheesy spy movie here though.
9. Patrick lives. Yayyyyyy~
10. Neil, come back. T___T
11. Sumeragi thinks the same way I do. I BET you she wanted to dress Tieria up like that for aaaages.
12. Regene Regetta. 8D

And finally, the critical version:
Plot development and fanservice, yay! Although I was seriously worried for a bit that Tieria in a dress would be synonymous to CGR2-trainwreck stuff, but it turned out okay, actually. Although if things get any more fabulous my brain will break. And also maybe the plot would disappear.
Also kind of happy to see the politics back, yay! /geek. And ghost in the window!Lockon made me go BAWWW.
And, erm, Regene Regetta and Revive Revival have got the be the weirdest names ever created. Although Romi Paku says it with such style, all is forgiven.

I could rewatch the waltz scene AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN and never get over it~~

rant, epic win, b00bies, switch:fangirl mode

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