(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 20:38

1) i love to experiment (cooking wise)
2) i have a horrible temper
3) i'm very impatient with everything but kids
4) i can't eat more than a handfull of chips at a time without feeling sick
5) i love to sing
6) I am against anything violent
7) I am compusively early to everything, all the time (me too alison!!)
8) i love making lists
9) i love packing and in fact i will pre-pack to see how much rooom i have and what i should reconsider packing on the real packing day
10) i love reorganizing things such as things on a shelf or in a cupboard or furniture in a room

i tag:lauren, lara, michelle & annie (i have 5 friends here and one of them already did this)

ok so i'm adding an update.... i feel really weird... i HATE talking to people about money and i asked for a raise today for babysitting becasue 1)i get paid for having 3 kids when i actualy watch 5 and 2)it now takes 30 minutes to get to their new house which will eat my gas like whoa.... i gave an option of either giving me $3/hour more or paying me an extra $10 each time i go for gas and he came back saying 5 and i said no and told him why and now i'm waiting for the response to that... i'm really scared... but i really dont' know anyone who would drive an hour round trip to get paid nearly half of what they should and not say anything about it.... blargh oh well i guess we will just see.... oh and i saw their new house and i want to steal it... except for the fact that it is in random hillsburritoville and yeah i dont' want to live there. but its REALLY pretty other than that.
i also feel bad because i never go to my psych class anymore... i really don't see a point in going... i don't really like the professor and the tests aren't hard and attendance isn't part of the grade and there is a girl who takes notes and gives them to me when i don't go... so really that has taken all of my motivation away for going... so instead i go and read for an hour and a half before my criminology class so i'm really using the time in a good way its not like i'm just wasting it but i just feel guilty about not going because i've never had a class that i just didn't go to and its just a weird feeling.
other than that things are pretty much the same... nothing else big to report. :)
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