ROFL. I seriously love this event.
The highlight for me was when this brown skinned, Latin guy got on the train I was standing in. He got into a convo with an older lady who was as confused as he was, then he waved at me to get my attention...
Confused guy: Yo, yo, can I ask you a question?
r0: Yea, no problem.
Guy: Can I ask you... what's with the underwear?
r0: I don't know about anyone else, I'm just hot.
Guy: You're ho... Oh hell nah, yo... this is crazy! And they be givin' us tickets and shit when we wear our pants a certain way and... look at this! [He's going back and forth with the older lady.] Yeah, I know, but yo, seriously, if, like, 3 more cute chicks without pants gets on this train I'ma just join in!
This guy was the only person that almost made me lose my composure. There had to be a certain ratio of women to men in order for him to feel comfortable or something? LOL.
I also enjoyed the "protesters." People carrying around signs that read things like "God wears pants" and extolling on the virtues of pants and what-not. One of them was even "converted" and made a scene straight off of Broadway while removing her pants.
Good times.