Warehouse 13 season finale - the loooong version

Oct 05, 2011 21:58

I needed to let out all my thoughts about the finale and this happened. I can't believe how long it got...

Prepare for brain vomit and picspam (gee, that sounds pleasant...) )

jaime murray, warehouse 13, pics

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Comments 23

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alitaz October 5 2011, 19:52:25 UTC
Myka's face when H.G kissed the cat was just amazing!

I definitely H.G will be back, of course she will be back and won't be able to live if she's actually dead!

And I think that if Mrs. Frederic doesn't come back the it would be Leena taking over her job, she knows a lot about the Warehouse already...


mondoshawan555 October 6 2011, 11:57:23 UTC
I love Myka's face when she's with Emily Lake. She just wanted HG, she didn't care about Emily even when the others tried to convince her that Emily deserved to live. I don't think Myka would've hesitated one second if she was the one deciding. All she saw was someone who is not HG but should be.

I want to believe HG will be back.


starbuck1980 October 5 2011, 19:52:46 UTC
OMG I was just on Tumblr but my stupid internet froze and the gif would not move! Thank God you posted here as well! I have no idea why it moves here and not on Tumblr! lol

Anyway I need to shut down my laptop soon but I will come back and read this! I only just watched the ep because I am in the UK so had to download and I need time to process...



mondoshawan555 October 6 2011, 12:13:00 UTC
lol, thank you! I love making them and I love tumblr for being such a great place to share them.

This episode needs so much processing you would think the world is going to explode from all the processing we're doing right now.


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mondoshawan555 October 6 2011, 12:20:00 UTC
I know, it was absolutely exhausting. I've been thinking about the denial too but since they left it kinda open I'm letting myself remember and just hoping there will be awesome fix-it fics that will sooth my heart.


scoobydumm October 5 2011, 20:37:24 UTC
I want to say that I've NEVER cried so much over fictional characters in my life (blows Xena's finale out of the water). I don't think I've cried as much as I did during the coin/woods scene and the last 5 minutes even when a family member died. Joanne and Jaime freakin' rocked those scenes.
I really hated Jane, I mean REALLY HATED JANE. Claudia and Jane, (Allison you are exceptional) seriously phemoninal.
Mondo, yes Jaime was hysterical as Emily - screaming like a girl and hiding under the desk. But God no, please never, ever do an American accent again.
Wonderful recap, very nauseous at the thougth of waiting almost 10 months for season 4.
Off to cry some more...gonna watch Stand (AGAIN).


mondoshawan555 October 6 2011, 12:27:13 UTC
You're welcome, this is part of my processing which will continue a long time as I imagine it will for others too.

I hated Jane too, very much. She embodies everything I hate about the regents and everything she says is just such crap I can't help but confess I really wanted her to die. I even hoped she'd be locked inside that regent tomb forever and ever knowing what it's like to be imprisoned like that.

It's gonna be a long wait and from experience we can say that nothing will be revealed until the new season starts. Pain, pain, pain...


rhyfeddu October 5 2011, 20:59:32 UTC
Thanks for all the Pretty. :)

I think the fallibility and moral ambiguity of the Regent's decisions and existence is a great thing to explore more. I'm glad that Sykes actually had some good points there. Since the Regent's first appearance in that diner, it's been highlighted that they are just regular, everyday people - and how does anyone "normal" cope with the responsibilities and temptations of all those artifacts?

Don't get me wrong - I'm appalled on HG's behalf at their solution of "Emily Lake". I think their blinkered attitude in not helping HG recover, mentally and emotionally, and actually doing the opposite and allowing her (and still many others) stew in their own bronze-y thoughts, immoblile for centuries is pretty evil (and I don't use that term lightly). They actually created HG's Fork Incident, in my mind, by only seeing HG as something to use or contain, and not the wounded and damaged person she was, who needed compassion and help ( ... )


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mondoshawan555 October 6 2011, 14:13:42 UTC
Please ramble as much as you want. I wanted to share this post partly because I know while some people are just not ready to talk about the finale yet some do feel the need already (like I do).

And you're right about Emily, we didn't see much of her so there's no way of knowing what she was really like. She must've had some spunk in her to threaten Myka and Pete with that knife.


mrswoman October 5 2011, 21:40:42 UTC
Thanks for this amazing post and everything you do on Tumblr. I'm going to save this post to my faves so I can keep ogling on the lovely pics :)

I've just posted my meagre thoughts on the episode, nowehere near as impressive as your epic, but I have to say I thought the looks and the intensity these ladies shared, to me anyway, was just as expressive as a hug or a kiss... despite saying that, it still would have been nice to see though!

Basically, it's a long time since I cared enough to get up in the middle of the night to see something like this live and it certainly did not disappoint.


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