This Wednesday there's a
Science Museum Lates event, for the launch of the new Who Am I? gallery, where you'll be able to see mini-me, on display with lots of other
self-portrait dolls.
I'm not totally happy with mine, because the
sewing pattern [pdf] left me with fat hands and really skinny legs. Also, the mouth is too pale and I forgot to add eyebrows, because I was so busy trying to work out how to make curly hair (I eventually wrapped tapestry wool around pipecleaners, which kept their twisty shape). Here I am, in mini-me form:
And here I am posing with her at last week's
Comica Social Club (photo taken by
Sarah McIntyre).
You can't really see from the photo, but I'm actually wearing the same outfit as the doll! Sarah has loads more fun pics from Thursday night, with everyone wearing my blue feather boa,
on her blog. While I remember, I should link to
this too, just for this amusing quote, which I thought might horrify and amuse some of my readers (especially
"I love Islay whisky, but I can never forget that my grandmother used to go down the road to Bowmore Distillery with a bucket to collect raw whisky for washing her windows. (Cuts the grease like nothing else, she said.)"
Speaking of booze, one thing I want to do this summer is buy a couple of bottles of
this and go and drink them somewhere along
And speaking of miniature things, I am off to
this place tomorrow. I've been wanting to go for years. I love miniature things.