Three weeks, now, until retirement. Apparently we’ve had a good response to our job posting for my replacement, but the Library hasn’t acted on any yet. I have joked about the description of my ‘duties,’ that I wouldn’t bid on the position due to its complexity. But that is because the job grew with and around me over the years, so what I made it and brought to it is more reflex now than anything else. And it really isn’t so complicated. As a small business, the ends justified my means of keeping things steady. You’re not noticed until something breaks :D Maybe a new person can bring things forward that I have just let remain static.
Still haven’t gotten things lined up here at home. My money guy wasn’t as helpful as I had hoped when I spoke with him but that’s because I want happy thoughts, not mundane tasks. He suggested I sell part of our property and even came up with someone who might be interested (yes, that set off bells and was quickly shelved). He rightfully told me to close out one account I have from a former employer and maybe tomorrow I can sort that one out.
Otherwise, it’s time to pare down expenses. Netflix may be on the chopping block. Frivolous online purchases need to be more well thought out. Heh, my Ryobi 18V garden sprayer stopped working and a replacement looked to be in the $65-$100 range. I decided, instead, on a $65 pump sprayer. After serious thought, though, I went with an $18 2 gallon HDX pump sprayer that will hopefully meet my needs. My ~lavish~ lifestyle will take some hits ;o)
Another change to save money was to reduce our internet bill. We will save about $20 a month by connecting our FIOS internet with our Verizon phone plan, and increase our speeds from 100/100 to 300/300, aaaand we are getting a new (free) router, today! This took a little finagling because the wording in the offer was really meant for new online customers with existing mobile plans, but they were gracious; we’ll see how this pans out the way I’m hoping.
The fireflies have all but disappeared, per usual after the 4th. There was a buck browsing out front while I was typing, and now a doe and her fawn are coming through. A bat was flitting about over the driveway this morning, around 5 a.m., and again, last night, when I took the pup out. And Thursday, sadly, a garden snake ingested a toad at our cellar door: sadly because the toad was a regular here. But there were two more toads when I had the dog outside… Nature, gotta love it!
Rain in today’s forecast. Good for the garden? The garden is still not doing as well as I think it should. Bugs aren’t a big problem, yet, but the humid weather just begs for fusarium wilt and whatnot. And slugs. We’ve had several cucumbers, and two peppers, but the squash and pumpkins are doing poorly and the tomatoes just look stalled. The peas are a neglected jumble of grass and vines. Beans are coming along, at least.
The young buck, on July 3rd.
Wintergreen in the wild.
This was timely as we were discussing the topic at dinner one evening.