I will always love you

Jun 28, 2004 22:40

Heres a fairly short fic for everyone to enjoy...PLEASE READ!!!

Title: I will always love you
Summary: implied Death...Billy gets sick, Dom remembers. Sad...but good!
Feedback: Omg yes pease. I would love some.

Death was never something Dom though of. He just figured that god knew when everyone’s time would come, and you just had to deal with the face that it could be whenever and wherever. A wishful fact, Dom never thought he would ever have to be faced with the thought of his loved ones and those close to him dying, and moving on into the next world. He thought that as a boy, a teenager, a young man, but it never entered his mind that it might be false until he saw Billy lying beneath him, cold as ice.

He shuddered, moving away from the open casket and heading outside to light up his cigarette. God, he hadn’t smoked in years.
The lighter flared up as he stepped out of the stuffy old building and out into the crisp cool air. The wind nipped at his nose, and made him huddle into his poofy jacket even more. He felt like shit.


“DOM!” Billy was yelling. “Get your lazy arse down those stairs right now and help me with dinner.” Dom hesitated down the stairs from their bedroom.

“Bills, darling?” he asked. “Do you really want help or do you just want to see me all naked cutting up veggies and such?”

Billy had to think…he had originally wanted Dom to help with dinner, he hadn’t even thought about naked. But now that he had, that sounded just fine too.

“Well, both really.” Billy finally replied.

Dom made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Billy, at the moment, had his back to him.

A little later on, both of the men lay on the kitchen floor utterly and completely out of breath. The thing was, when Billy turned around he saw that Dom really was naked, and that there would be absolutely no way of making dinner with him around.
So, he didn’t.

Dom sighed. “I think I’ll help you with dinner more often love.”


Dom moved over to the bench that was to his left, and sat down, taking a long drag of his cigarette. He looked out over the porch across a green country side, flashes of lighting seen in the distance. Billy had never liked lighting. It always frightened him for some reason, although he could never figure out why.

Dom felt a tear start rolling down his cheeks. That’s funny he thought. I didn’t think I had anymore tears left to cry.
The funeral had ended, and unbeknownst to him, everyone had made a pact to leave him be until he was ready. He didn’t think he would ever be ready.

How can you just move on after the love of your life leaves you forever?


Billy came home from the doctor’s office looking scared. Dom was sitting on his ass, watching football as usual. He didn’t even hear Billy come into the room.

“Dom?” Dom turned around and smiled at his husband. “Can I talk to you please?”
Scared. Very, very scared.

Normally Dom wouldn’t have listened to him and would have kept on watching the telly, but something in Billy’s face made him switch it off right away, and focus all of his attention on his love.


The tears were flowing faster now as he remembered the day when Billy told him.

The cancer is eating me from the inside out apparently. He had said, much to calm for the matter.

They’d had so much time to prepare for what was going to happen, but yet for Dom, it never really sunk in. Months went by and even though Billy was in and out of the hospital, Dom never really knew it. He seemed absolutely oblivious to reality. The only time it really kicked in, it was almost too late.


The hospital where Billy was staying was cold, and white. White sheets, white walls, white tile, white.
Dom was late for his ‘date’ with Billy. The traffic had been absolute hell. Swerving in and out of lanes he turned the final strait-away up to the hospital parking lot.
His cell phone was ringing.

“Sorry love, got caught in traffic. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” He was about to hang up when he heard a female voice on the line.

“Excuse me Mr. Monaghan?” said a frantic nurse. “You need to get down here right away, Billy isn’t doing well.”

His eyes went wide and the cell phone slid from its resting place between his shoulder and ear. He floored his BMW for the last two blocks.


The rain had started falling already, blanketing the country side. Still more tears, he couldn’t control himself, so he lit up another ciggy. Dom looked out at Scotland, the beautiful country that his beloved Billy had called home for so many years.
Rain, that’s all there was now though, just like that last day.


“Dom?” Billy choked out from his hospital bed.

Dom was awake immediately, moving from the chair to the side of Billy’s bed. He looked over his Billy, pale and thin, and moved a wisp of hair away from his face.

Billy continued, “Get me out of this place Dom, I don’t want to die in here.”

Dom laughed nervously. “You not going to die baby,” but sadly, they both knew he was wrong.

Billy looked at him sternly. “I’m serious. Get me out of here.”

Dom knew that would be no easy task, and had thought of saying no, but then he saw that Billy was ripping the IV’s out of his arms and struggling to sit up.

“fuck” Dom mumbled. He grabbed Billy’s shoulders gently and helped him sit up on the edge of the bed. Dom’s arm was around Billy’s frail waist, supporting him. Billy turned his head and looked at Dom directly in his blue/grey eyes.

“Please,” Billy whispered. Dom nodded his head slowly, feeling dizzy, tears coming to his eyes, the reality of it all kicking him hard in the stomach.

The next thing he knew, Dom was picking Billy up and carrying him out the door. He ran as best he could down the white corridor and kicked open the doors that led outside, to where his car was parked.
Shit. It was raining outside. They ran for the old BMW, getting perfectly drenched. Dom opened the door and set Billy gently into the passengers seat, buckling him up. He shut the door and ran around to the other side, getting in himself.

He looked at Billy, who was smiling big. He hadn’t seen that much excitement in a long time. Billy started laughing and looked at Dom, who also started laughing. Billy reached out his hand and let it rest on the side of Dom’s cheek, stroking it up and down, feeling the softness of his husband’s skin.

They stopped laughing and looked deep into one another’s eyes. “I love you Dom.”

Dom was laying on the bench now, his eyes swollen, another cigarette dangling helplessly from his lips. The small church was empty now, the last of the black cars driving down the long gravel path back to the main road. Dom felt himself drifting into a much needed sleep, right there on the bench in the blistering cold rain.


When he woke up, he could see someone sitting next to him at the far side of the wooden bench. His eyes were foggy and clouded from crying, and Dom couldn’t tell who it was, but luckily the rain had stopped.

“It’s bloody beautiful out innit?” said the person sitting next to him, looking out at the rolling green hills. Dom sat up fast looking at the man, who he recognized immediately by his accent.

“I just love the way it smells after a rain. Somehow, it just always makes me happy,” Billy said, turning his head to look at Dom. Dom immediately felt like goo.

“Billy?” he choked out, moving closer to his glowing lithe body. “Wh- h- how?” Dom was unable to speak.

“Shhh…” Billy comforted pressing a cold finger against Dom’s lips. “Don’t speak. Just let me say something alright?”

Dom nodded, blinking away two big tears.

“Dominic…I just want you to know that now, I’m in a much better place. I’m not hurting anymore Dom.” Billy was silent and he placed his cool hand on Dom’s cheek, just like he had in the car, the day they made their escape from the hospital. “I have to go now Dom. I have to go…” he whispered. “But I want you to remember that I love you, and I always will, no matter where I am.”

Dom was literally bawling, his vision blurring. Billy leaned forward and kissed Dom softly on his lips. He stood up and walked to the end of the porch and down the stairs, out into the open field. He stopped and turned around, looking back at Dom who was in shambles. He gave Dom a warm heartfelt smile turned back around and started walking away.

It started raining again. Billy was fading. Dom stood up and jumped off the porch and started running as fast as he could towards Bills figure. But no matter how fast he ran, he couldn’t catch up to him, and Billy’s figure faded away into the horizon.


Dom woke up crying, in a dark, strange room. He could see light pouring in from under the door, and rubbed his eyes, utterly confused.
He rolled off the bed and stumbled to the doorway, opening it a crack and peeping his head into the hallway.

It was dark, but flashes of blues and greens and grays were seen from the TV in the den. Dom creaked the door open and walked down the cold stone hallway to the den, where he found Viggo and Orlando snuggling on the couch watching ER.

“Hi guys,” he said shyly. The two men turned around and looked at him with welcome.

“Hey mate!” Orlando said, gesturing for Dom to come over and join them on the couch.

Dom shook his head. “No thanks, I’m going back to bed in a minute. Um.. do you mind if I ask you something?”

“Shoot,” Viggo replied.

”Uh, how did I get here?”

Vig and Orli looked at each other, and then back at Dom. Viggo answered.

“We found you passed out on the bench in back of the church soaking wet, so we brought you back here to our hotel room.” Viggo was silent for a moment. “Why?”

“Just wondering,” Dom answered. He turned around and made his way back to his room.

“Hey Dom?!” Orlando shouted. “We found a piece of paper on the ground right next to you, so we took it. Its on your bedside table.”

Dom practically ran back to his room. He pushed open the door and switched on the light, letting his eyes adjust to the brightness. Once he could see clearly, he immediately spotted the paper on the table.

That’s funny. He didn’t remember seeing a paper anywhere after the funeral. Only cigarettes.

He sat on the edge of his bed and took the neatly folded paper in his hands, unfolding it quickly, but carefully. He read the words.

I will always love you. No matter where I am.
Sweet Dreams
- Billy.

Please oh please oh please read and comment, i really wanna know what yall think
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