Jun 06, 2007 07:58

Ok, i realize it's been half a century since my last entry and i have no excuse fo get over it and take heart in the entertainment i bring you in the hear and now. So let's do a little recap. I had my nice relaxing vacation in Colorado with Raymond's sister and her roommate. Steve also came with to visit his sister as well. Well it would have been great and grand if not for the fact that they were also housing two other house guests... the moved up from Georgia I wanna say? And they arrived on their doorstep saying "we moved here to be closer to you but have no where to stay and no money". Hell of a hello if you ask me. So Cheryl and Jenn put them up and that was a month before we arrived... so by the time we got there they very much wanted them out, and got their wish not too long after. Anywho, the vacation was incredibly relaxing. Lots of chillin out on the deck staring at the mountains, playing cards, going for random rides to parks and what not. Raymond couldn't go cuz he was in an opera at the time.

So I got back and then it was his turn. This is where my evil plan begins to come to fruition. For a while now i had been planning to get a tattoo, so i did my research and found a cool place in Harvard Square that was well known and clean as a whistle. I wanted this to be a surprise for Raymond cuz as far as he knew I'd never get a tattoo. And for the past 30 years that's pretty much true - i couldn't bear that thought of changing my skin permanently and inking it and what not. But for whatever reason those thoughts vanished at the turn of the year. So i found my design, found my artist and went to work. When Raymond told me that he was going to go to Colorado for 2 weeks to spend some quality time with his sister my eyes flashed with evil gleefulness. He left on the 29th, so my appointment was set for the 30th. I went to the parlor and got round 1 - it was the outline. The tattoo is of a wolf's head, and it covers the entirety of my back. yes... all of it. So round one outlined the design, the details just no shading. I got taken home by two friends of mine who had helped me find the parlor, and were requested for assistance that day and the following to help apply the ointment to the scarring since i couldn't reach it myself.

So the next day i called in sick just so i could spend the day shirtless and letting my back heal without any pressure from having to lean on it (ie against my chair at work or in the car). The following week went pretty quickly and since it was only and outline healed rapidly as well. So the following Monday - Memorial Day - while Raymond was still in CO I got round 2 - shading. For 2.5 hours i was in totally bliss (NOT!) while the artist shaded the center of the designed, the eyes, nose, mouth, and started to shade some of the sides. Round 3 has yet to happen but that will finish the sides and the ears and touch up any of the center spots.

So then came the surprise.... all of this happened without Raymond's know how - which required me bribing the cat with extra treats and working really hard not to blurt it out over the phone. LOL. So then he finally came home, this was last Sunday at 5:20am. Uggg! I brought him home and asked if he was going to sleep or if he was still wide awake. Wide awake it was... he gave me a huge hug and patted my back right where the remainder of the scarring was. OMG did that hurt! LOL So instead of trying to endure more pain i told him to close his eyes while i took off my shirt, I also have him turn around cuz really you can't tell when that boy has his eyes closed or not (hello part Srilanken! I know, it's wrong, but its true goddamit!). Anywho, i stripped off the shirt, turned facing away from him and told him to open his eyes and turn around... ahem... and i quote... "WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! DID SOMEONE DRAW ON YOU? THAT'S FAKE RIGHT? HOLY SHIT THOMAS, WHAT DID YOU DO? OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THIS?!" (btw this was all said in happy excitement, not anger, just to be clear).

So needless to say he's still in shock, happy shock, but shock. LOL. So there's my major life change for this season. LOL. This upcoming weekend is Gay Pride for Boston so that'll be interesting - usually is. And of course on Friday is game night, and that's a personal addiction that has been ignored for a few weeks now, so we're all itchin get back to rolling those dice and feed our Geekdom. lol.

Ok... gonna try and be better about the journal entries but be patient. Hasta La Vista for now!
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