Being Superman might help in a situation like this

May 16, 2006 19:04

Got a lovely letter dropped in my mail slot this evening. Here it is, in a more-or-less verbatim state:

We will be in your suite between the hours of 8:01AM and 8:00PM on 5/18/2006 for the purpose of conducting repairs. We will be removing your old fridge and installing a new one.

Please ensure all items are removed from the fridge and that the fridge is cleaned. Any pet(s) you may have need to be properly contained.

This notice is in accordance with the Tenant Protection Act. Unless there is an emergency, entry into a suite must specify a time between 8:00AM and 8:00PM. A 24-hour written notice is required except for emergencies or showing a suite to a prospective renter.

On one hand, great! New fridge! The one I have is probably 20+ years old and keeps eating my ice cubes because they sublimate so quickly. I mean, I'm not expecting something that will bring an end to world-wide violence or anything, but I am expecting a lower hydro bill.

On the other hand, boo! Do they expect me to fill my bathtub full of ice or something? I called the site managers to try to get more information out of them other than a twelve-hour window. The gal on duty said that, yeah, she's in the same boat and she knows it sucks. The only thing she could offer is that the delivery company's got 130-odd fridges to install (between the two buildings?) and they're starting on the top floor (12th, with me on the 4th).

I'm sorely tempted to cut work really early, so I can just clean it out on demand. I might be able to swing it, too, based on the stuff that I have going.

At least the stuff that I just sent off to get framed is ready, so I can pick that up tomorrow, too.


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