Colour Swatches

Aug 02, 2004 15:03

The apartment hunt continues, and by "apartment hunt" I mean "sending Andrew listings and having him not check them out, ever, because he doesn't have a car and doesn't want to bus to all of these places." I'm heading down next weekend, I believe, because his parents are driving down at this time and I can scam a ride from them. Regardless, there are several two-bedroom places that can be had for $700 a month, with utilities, which suits me just fine. I'm sure that the choice will come down to floor plan exclusively; well, that or the one that has a tennis court-not that either Andrew or I play tennis, but we'd start just to keep in shape.

Regardless of the landlord's wishes, I plan on painting the hell out of the place. If they don't like it, we'll paint over it before we leave. In light of that, I spent about half an hour picking colours out with Janice at her place of employment. Have a look at my tentative choices!

Disclaimer: Note that all of the paints are C2 paints, which are absolutely loverly but aren't sold everywhere: just Ottawa and a couple of other places around North America. Actual colour may be different from that seen on your monitor, because my monitor sucks.

So, from top to bottom, I'm thinking that these colours will go in: Andrew's room, hallways, dining room, living room, bathroom, kitchen, kitchen accents (since the cupboards are most likely going to be white). The last two colours are for my room: nothing says "smooth operator" like chocolate brown walls and a single blue stripe (or multiple blue stripes) vertically along the walls.


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