Oct 01, 2012 01:02
I just watched his 24hrtv movie and I swear I wa in tears from beginning to end. Part of it was slightly because I couldn't stand to see bratty chatty neens being like that. And when he said, "that was the last time I ran with my legs" while running away from those stupid goons at the start, lord I was ready to bawl my eyes out. Darn it neens, you aren't my bias but I think youre simply amazing now. When you were on that cliff, i cried at not only Yasu's words but also at the thought of you nino being such an amazing actor and not having really appreciated you until now. The ending was perfect. And it made me think of how many lives Arashi save without even knowing what they're doing. The inspiration these guys bring to our lives is indescribable. They are five guys who can do no wrong and I will always love them.