Star Trigon for PC!!

May 11, 2010 18:44

Oh man you guys I am SO HAPPY right now, you don't even know.

I found out you can now purchase a STAR TRIGON PC version online for only $5.00!! There's even a demo you can play which is really great!

Of course I used my paypal and wasted no time scooping that up! They boasted an "All new story mode" on the website, so I was really excited to see if they actually had new content from the other ports they've been doing (iPod etc) from the arcade version.

For those of you that don't know, Star Trigon is a one-button arcade game that takes place in the same universe as Mr. Driller. The style is the same, and many Mr. Driller characters show up. Even more characters in the new story mode!

And I was totally freaking out playing this, oh my god *_* The characters actually have dialog, when they never had before! And faves from Mr. Driller showing up too! It's so awesome holy crap. Seeing new content just REALLY makes me happy.
So I took screenshots of the story mode cut-scenes! I REALLY suggest buying the full version of the game because it's cheap and awesome (and please support the franchise so Star Trigon and Mr. Driller don't die), but I decided to post all the screens I took for you to see! Because it's so amazing.

So let's check out the story mode and- wait-- what. Is this the right game? It's like I'm really playing Mr. Driller!

Is it Under-Grounder or Chiteijin...?


Wait go back to that "accidents" bit what happened hey

"At the Drill Labs." I missed the shot a bit.

Dr. Z!!!! *v* ...Lol what a scientist thing to say.

So he invented the stuff in this game too! Man he just does everything.


Yeaahhh. You basically just form a triangle around the Uchujin to save them.

Wataru and Chuta! These are our main heroes of course. I like that they show us what's under the helmets when they can.

Lol wataru ilu

Awww childhood friends.

Chutaaa aww you big shy boy

kjhfdg Wataru did you just say that.

Yay he wins the levels. This is the winning screen, just to show it.

After a few more levels, another scene comes.

"I saved all the Uchujin!"


Wataru plays some levels.

Next scene, It's Susumu! So that's why Mr. Driller is in on this space adventure.

I don't know why Puchi only barks in this game though.

More stages, savin all the aliens.

!!! It's Taizo! They call him Dig Dug in this game, except for a few instances, which is cute!

Way to reference your own DS game, Taizo.

But we do this every afternoon ;_;


Oh don't worry you'll be needing other people's help instead.

After finishing some levels.

Ouch, Susumu. ):

"Goodness" Chuta you talk like a woman.

I don't think I have to explain why.

Ah so it's name is Pachii! I couldn't make it out from vids of the other games.

In bonus stages you get candy. Did some levels as Wataru.

I think "Flare planets" are these fiery-looking planets that appear in some levels. They hurt you if you land on them.

Played a few levels as Susumu. He has this adorable walk animation as he goes around the planets.


I guess he can understand the alien talk.

"I'm a Hero!" kjhdsg again, Taizo. >:(


Lol look at his portrait

Weeeeeeeeeeeee 8D

Oh wow Chuta you are so hard on yourself ;_;

Um yeah Taizo is kind of still floating out there you guys

A few more levels with Chuta and...there he is!

I got an achievement!

Oh well Yaaaayy we did it!! Oh look a back view of Jim! ...yeah all I notice is new art.

"You are now ranked S.T.A.R. Rangers!"

(/)///(\) oh gosh~

Woooah noooo~! 9v9c Oh King, you're so WACKY.

Congrats screen has Chuta and some Uchujin! And that's it for the Story mode!

I was really happy with this, I didn't expect a whole new little story! What a treat, makes me more hopeful for the fandom ;v; (...of three people or so). It's really funny how they pretty much make every effort to make sure you know it's in the Mr. Driller universe XD Not just a cameo of Susumu or anything, it's 'LET'S JUST THROW IN EVERYONE.' I approve of this, though. More dialog for my fave characters~. Was so glad to get to see some interaction between Wataru and Chuta! Before we only got a small description of their personality.

The Arcade mode is pretty cool too. You just go through sets of increasing difficulty/number. Good for high score challenges and such. And there's a bunch of achievements you can unlock in both modes. So there's a pretty good amount of content!

So yeah, this has made me really excited! You all should at least try the demo!

mr. driller, star trigon, omg

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