Changing It Up

May 26, 2010 08:50

So the other day I rearranged...again :) What spurred this development you may ask? Well, my Sweetie Pie went to the trouble of making an entire meal for of my favorites to boot! North Carolinan BBQ, homemade slaw and roasted rosemary potatoes. It was yummy and VERY thoughtful. I told Bill that he's almost always nice but this was truly thoughtful. That night was a great night too ;)
So the next day, I changed things around to make my hubby happy. The TV is back in the Living Room, my bed is away from the window. But I did some things that I wanted too, like getting my huge dresser into Liam's room where the cherry wood looks very nice against the yellow. It's all a bit temporary, but we'll live with it and see how we like it.
Today is raining and I'm thinking that while I have the use of my sister that I will take Kathryn out for some girl time. Alice and Wonderland at the $3 dollar theatre, here we come!!!!
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