"Let's go drink 'til we can't feel feelings anymore."
Peter... Family Guy
I know it's not the end of the world, but I still feel a bit hurt. He says he told me Monday night at dinner, and I remember a few phrases that could of lead to, "hey I'm moving," but he NEVER told me then he was moving. I really don't go out much, but Saturday night I thought, hey, I don't have Malachy, I might as well do something. So I called Joel and left him a message saying when he got out of work to give me a call, we'd catch a movie. We got in touch about 9:30, and he said he was going downtown and I should meet him for a drink. Then he's like, you know I'm moving right? NO. Granted he's only moving like 2 hours away, which isn't as bad as where he lived last year. I waited downtown on him for almost an hour, Then I ran into some friends that were going to watch an old friend of ours play with his band. When I go inside, he calls and acts a little upset that I wasn't standing outside waiting on him. When I came out he was with 2 of his friends, gave me a wuick hug, and said they decided to go to Ashville for a party instead of staying downtown. So me and my friends decided to walk around down town, where we pass like 4 bars, one of which had Joel and his 2 friends in it. Crystal asked me if I wanted to fo inside to speak, but I didn't want him to think I was like stalking him, because I really wasn't. I just felt shitty and had nothing to do, and Crystal and Jeremy were enjoying there night out with no kids.
Earlier that day, I acted like a tourist and visited the NC Aboritum. We are going through a slight drought here, so all of the fountains were turned off, which sucked. I mean, I enjoy the flowers and plants, but honestly my favorite party are the fountains and waterfalls. Either way, I did get some okay pictues of the flowers and the art work.