I don't remember the last time I updated but I think it has been a while. I keep meaning too but things just keep happening (you know how it is...).
I've been really busy with BKC the past few weeks. We set up at Genericon at the end of January and then a couple weeks later there was a huge sale at my anime distributor so I ended up spending a lot of time working with the new merchandise. I also found some wholesale lots of very old anime merchandise on ebay and that has kept me even busier.
Currently I've been trying to sell on ebay as I have attempted several times before but I have never been satisfied with it. Its pretty much the same as always, I can't seem to sell things nearly as well as everyone else or get what I would like for things (not to mention get some crazy amount of money over the price that I actually want). I've decided to stick with it tough and I don't plan to give up until I at least achive a detailed seller feedback (which requires 10 feedback as a seller with in 90 days).
Thanks to Neko-jin designs I've decided to keep a Livejournal for Black Knight. Neko-jin has one for their company and I thought it was a great idea. I was going to open up a My Space or Facebook but I didn't like how that was going to work, or I should say I decided it didn't work for me. I like LJ because it is more simplistic (or maybe I am just used to it) and it was exactly what I wanted but I for some reason hadn't thought of it myself.
Right now I have a free account which has the annoying ads. Once I get a few people visiting it I plan to switch over to a paid account, but right now I don't think more than 5 people will even look at it until after Anime Boston.
I've finally decided to work harder at gaining a web presence for BKC so if you or anyone you know would be interested in seeing what I have to offer please check it out.
http://bkcomics.livejournal.com/ As you all know I don't look to get rich off my friends so if there is something you want of course I will take care of you. My hope is to someday get rich off the general populous, but until that day I would be happy with "making a living". :)