Dec 18, 2015 00:31
Decided to go ahead and see The Force Awakens. Bought an ticket today for the noon showing tomorrow at a theater that has reserved seating. I found the idea annoying at first cos I like to theater hop and having numbered seats prevents that, but in cases of popular movies like this, I embrace the idea. No one wants to stand in line for tickets then have to hope you find a good seat. And if you have someone with you at a popular movie, and show up too late, just forget finding seats together.
So, I have seat D11 of 12. Hope this movie is worth it cos I hate paying full price for movie tickets. I usually go to matinees when tickets are $5, but it’s Friday, so no matinee pricing. I am excited to see Swat Wars 7, but only for the special effects and to find out what happened to Luke. I personally think he fell to the Dark Side between now and the end of Return of the Jedi, and is either Kylo Ren or Kylo’s master.
But we will see soon.
I have this art book I want to send a friend, but don’t want to pay for Priority Mail. That would be $7. Media Mail is only $3, maybe less. It’s only $4 more, but I am frugal and just don’t want to pay $7 for mail even if it is a gift. So, I need to hurry up and decide. I can either stand in line for a long time to pay for media mail or stop being a cheapskate and pay for priority mail at the self checkout.
Why doesn’t the post office let you pay for media mail at the self checkout? Such assholes. Speaking of assholes, girl scout den mothers.
You can buy Girl Scout Cookies online now. You can buy them online IF you know a Girl Scout and ask her for an online passcode to log into her troop’s private cookie sale forum. That is fucking retarded. The entire point of using the internet for commerce is to reach a lot of people fast and a lot of people you normally could not reach.
If I have to get a passcode from a Girl Scout to buy her cookies online, I might as well buy the cookies directly from that Girl Scout. Obviously, some old person thought this idea cos no kid would be so stupid and ignorant of how the internet works.
Last day of ASL class was tonight. Feel like I did better on the final than on any of the other tests. This class was fun, I laughed a lot with some of the people. There was this one girl I thought was super pretty, but then I found out she was in high school:(
But I am an idiot so I tried asking her out anyway. I know, but whatever. So, I didn’t really ask her out, just asked for her number. We texted a few times, but she was totally not interested. Which was slightly saddening but mostly great cos she’s in high school. She’s also not taking ASL 4, so while I will be sad not to be able to her beautiful smile again, I will not have to deal with the possible embarrassment next term.
So far, at least 6 of us are taking level 4, and two of them are classmates I have had fun with this year, so yay!
I should look for work. I need money. Did I write here about getting the daycare job, but then quitting cos the teachers were terrible at their job?
No plans for Christmas. Normally, I would drive to Canada to see my best friend, but he hates me right now. Would like to drive to Atlanta to see people, but I am broke. Christmas used to be an ok holiday for me, but don’t really care anymore. But I still wish I had people to spend it with. I need fun and laughter.