Aug 26, 2010 15:22
So they have Star Wars speed dating at Dragon*Con. I've decided that Lisa should participate in this, because even though she's never seen the movies all of the facts we've fed her she knows about Star Wars are totally true and complete and would impress all but the staunchest adherents to the Force. Discussion about this Wednesday night brought about discussion on how to find your Star Wars name, which involves some sort of complicated ciphering and standing on one foot and touching your nose with your eyes closed. It's a lot like a sobriety test, honestly, and God knows I haven't been able to pass one of those since the third grade. Which means I wasn't entirely surprised to find that my Star Wars name came out to be almost impossible to pronounce using human tongues.
Larcr Stfer. If left to me, I'd prefer to pronounce it Larcroix St. Fer. I could be some sort of nobility, I'm sure. I'd get a tauntaun all my own and ample land to graze it away from creepy, lightsaber wielding mad men looking to 'tag' him by gutting him. Of course, Lisa and Em have decided it's actually pronounced more like Lurker Stiffer, which I guess isn't exactly false advertising since I am often lurking and my internet penis is huge.
Lisa told me that they're holding a special party for the blood donors at the con and there will probably be famous people at it. In fact, she's hoping that Mark Sheppard will be at it, so she can rub in the fact that she got to meet him and I didn't. And also so she can tell him that the reason I can't give blood is because in the state of Florida you have to wait a year to give blood after your last tattoo. And what was my last tattoo of? Crowley. (And Aziraphale, but I doubt he'd care so much about that.) Thereby implying that I am way more obsessed with him than I am. (IT WASN'T EVEN HIS CROWLEY.) I won't even be there to defend my lurker stiffer self. I'll just be creeping around elsewhere, crying my lurky tears.
And possibly using all my con free time to write an Inception steampunk AU. Someone tell me not to do that. >.>
star wars,
lisa loves giraffes,
good omens,
kl is a spaz,