Good morning! This is a type of admin post, so if you're not coming to Dragon*Con you can scroll past. We're planning to have our annual Thursday night dinner at
Max Lager's (where we ate last year) at 5pm. I NEED YOU TO LET ME KNOW IF YOU PLAN ON COMING. I'm going to call this Wednesday and make the reservation, so I need to know by then. Please forward this link to anyone you might be bringing to dinner with you so they can fill out the poll and I can get an accurate head count. (If they do not have a journal and cannot vote in the poll, please have them leave a comment and let me know who they are.)
Poll D*CON DINNER If you are coming to Dragon*Con and you know me, you are invited to this. It's a pleasant bit of calm before the storm and a good way of getting to know your fellow nerds before the con.