Wanted: Infant activity center/toys

Nov 09, 2005 16:02

Does anyone in my local group know of anyone with a play-mat their child has outgrown and they're not planning on keeping for another baby? Ethan is JUST now getting to the stage where I think he'd really like lying down, with something soft/fuzzy/colorful hanging down that he could kick. He loves to kick. A lot. Mostly me. And that's when I realized that he NEEDS something else to kick.

I don't care if it makes the worlds most annoying sounds - I deal with "Dora, the Explorer" and her strident voice and laughable (and sad) rhyming abilities for Ethan. (Seriously, the writers seem to think "Dora" and "explorer" rhyme. There are other, worse rhymes in other songs - which get repeated. Every.single.episode. *shudder*). My little man just needs something engaging... and hopefully "indepenent play" oriented (I have to bring him to work with me and it's reduced my income earning potential quite a lot, since right now the only form of interaction he gets is me!)

Please keep me in mind and if friends of yours are clearing out nurseries or garages, ask them to let me look through their stuff before they junk it!
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