play date

Nov 03, 2005 00:28

I forgot to put this in my earlier entry: My mom made a playdate for me. She was looking for Mylicon drops at the store for me earlier, and saw a young woman there with a baby right around my son's age (four days younger). So she asked the girl, "Do you know where the gas drops are?" and the girl did, and her baby also has gas problems, and she's also a breastfeeder, etc. So my mom got her email address for me so "maybe you can hang out together!" It was too cute. I've emailed her and we'll see, but it really *would* be nice to hang out with someone who actually knows what I'm going through. My husband and I realized just how different our lives are from our friends when they asked us what WE were dressing up as for Halloween and we gave them blank stares. (These people were talking about going trick-or-treating and they don't even have kids! I feel old.)
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