Am I the only one who never heard this phrase until recently? "Everyone's drinking the Kool-Aid." It comes from the right and I've seen it on YouTube, here, humor sites and Rotten Tomatoes. The first time I saw it used was a few months ago, when I was having that "debate" with that lifer asshat who thinks that every woman with epilepsy is just like his wife. I mistakenly told him I used to be in a cult, which he used to attack my political opinions, though the two aren't related. He then told me that if they serve Kool-Aid, I should definately drink it. I took this to be an "I hope you die, bitch" comment because I thought it was a reference to
Jonestown and I blocked him for it.
Is that where this comes from? Is "drinking the Kool-Aid" a reference to Jonestown? If so, it's disgusting. I don't know how people on either side of a viewpoint can compare the opposition to the victims of a dangerous lunatic. Liberals are not "drinking the Kool-Aid." Stop saying this, people: it's sick.