Random Buffyverseness (BtVS s7, AtS s4)

Jul 18, 2007 22:06

I recall hearing that people overall preferred Angel to Buffy, as a series. I'm now wondering if that was a "last word" effect. Namely, Angel ran for a year after Buffy ended, and although I haven't seen Angel's final season yet (nor even the majority of season 4), I am fairly confident in saying it's better than most of Buffy seasons 6 and 7. But how well would Angel stack up against the golden seasons 2 thru 5 of Buffy? A much closer race, I'd say.

What I mean to say tonight is, yeah, A:s4 feels much stronger to me than B:s7 right now. I just got thru "Apocalypse Nowish" in the former (such a Joss title; I love it), and "Sleeper" in the latter. The Jossverse apocalypses have never struck me as very scary, just interesting--until now. That slow, almost beautiful rain of fire really spooked me.

Against that backdrop, Connor and Cordy getting it on was just mostly...well, it would have been disturbing against any backdrop. I have to keep reminding myself that Cordy's only supposed to be 22-ish, so sleeping with an 18-year-old isn't that awful; but Charisma Carpenter was, what, 30 by then?, and looked it, so it did feel rather wrong. (Also, of course, poor Angel.)

All the same, I still rather like Connor, or at least I find him interesting and I don't generally want to slap him. So there.

Also in the creepy sex category: Lilah/Wesley. Yeeeks. Wesley, you're a darling, but you're also kind of a whore, aren't you. Still, as I get used to that pairing, the tiniest bit of hotness does creep in once in a while. Sort of.

So thank God for humor. A favorite set of lines lately:
Fred: (watching Lorne perform in Vegas) Nobody seems bothered by the fact that he's a demon. They must think it's all makeup, like the Blue Man Group. (eyes widen) You don't think...
Angel: Only two of them.

Meanwhile, an episode that should have been fun and funny--"Spin the Bottle"--wasn't particularly, since it felt like a mishmash of Buffy's "Band Candy" and "Tabula Rasa." Been there; done that.

Buffy is kind of lacking in the fun humor lately too, but when it delivers, it still rocks. Andrew's Spanish-to-English translation of "From beneath you, it devours" comes to mind. ("It eats you, starting with your bottom.") So does the brief scene in "Him" when Buffy almost kills Principal Wood with a rocket launcher, but gets tackled and chased off by Spike--all done silently and casually in the blurry background. Husband and I were temporarily helpless with laughter at that one.

And some will be glad to know I haven't lost my affections for Spike. I got a sweet little twist in my heart at a certain spot in "Sleeper". Namely: after realizing he's killed all those people, he looks up from his shocked slump against the wall, sees Buffy with her wooden stake, opens his jacket, and says softly, with a tear running down his cheek, "Do it fast, okay?" I didn't think she *would* or anything, but it shows I'm still a sucker for the right moments.

Oh, and Holden the psychotherapy vampire ("Conversations with Dead People") was quite amusing. And cute. Too bad he's dust.

We can agree Dawn's annoying, though, right? Or am I the odd one out on that opinion too?

Well, anyway, we'll all have Harry Potter to read in a few days for massive distraction. I'll now remind you that this is a good time to review my condensed version of Half-Blood Prince to refresh your memory on where all the plot points stand. :) (I'll think about doing one for Deathly Hallows too, but I just know I'll be far behind everyone else, what with my baby-related schedule. So, we'll see.)

angel, harry potter, buffy

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