Finally getting LOST

May 19, 2005 20:52

I did watch "Lost" last night, but have been so busy today that not only have I not had time to post until now, but I have repeatedly found myself sprinting up or down stairs, eating while standing, and cursing under my breath at a number of innocent people. Now, however, I have calmed down and can say a few things.

a) My timing sucks. You all want to talk about Revenge of the Sith, probably. But I haven't seen that yet. So.

b) This was a very good episode, I thought. Poignant! Hugely poignant. I tear up whenever you introduce a dog in a sentimental scene, so the Walt/Vincent/Shannon interaction was killing me. Oy.

c) When Vincent was swimming after the raft, however, I did think for a moment of Wilson the volleyball in Cast Away, rolling off the raft and getting farther and farther away from Tom Hanks. (Which makes me wonder: how long before somebody on "Lost" starts talking to a volleyball, just as a shout-out?)

d) Sun and Jin's reconciliation-and-goodbye also was high on the poignancy factor. Poor stubbornly proud kids.

e) Sawyer!! I love you!! His speech to Jack, about Jack's dad, was perfect. Stayed true to Sawyeristic form; didn't get too sappy ("...but I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand..."); and set him aglow with redemption. Or was that just a suntan?

f) I was indeed glad Sawyer got to chop bamboo shirtless. His male model background prepped him well for that scene. I did paraphrase Galaxy Quest at that point, though: "Somehow you always manage to get your shirt off, don't you?"

g) Love the creepy metallic-noise monster crashing through the jungle, and everyone freaking out, and the eerie stream of black smoke; but that all goes without saying. That's why we watch this show.

h) oregonrose emailed an interesting thought to me: what do you imagine each of the characters was writing, to slip into that bottle of messages? I guess the obvious choice is, "Dear family: I'm alive. Send cruise ship," but what do you think?

Over and out.


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