The whole thing is marvelous, but this part just kills me:
EOMER: I think one of my men saw these creatures. He said they did a most provocative dance before he lost them in the crowd. There may still be a trace of them back there. *dies laughing*
PIPPIN and MERRY, their clothes torn and half discarded, tumble up against a tree trunk, kissing and moaning.
Now, I mostly like these slash versions of LOTR for the humour (and you're sooooo good at that [worships Molly]), but I have to confess that I found this line to be, uh, [gulps], um... pretty damn hot.
Yeah, when writing it I'm generally just in humor mode, but once in a while I slip inadvertently into romance. I noticed that particular moment too, in the writing of it - "Whoops, almost started writing an actual love scene there."
Granted, if it's Merry/Pip slash you want, there's a lot more of it out there by more dedicated (and more explicit) writers than myself.
Comments 33
EOMER: I think one of my men saw these creatures. He said they did a most provocative dance before he lost them in the crowd. There may still be a trace of them back there.
*dies laughing*
I am so immature.
Now, I mostly like these slash versions of LOTR for the humour (and you're sooooo good at that [worships Molly]), but I have to confess that I found this line to be, uh, [gulps], um... pretty damn hot.
Dam' yer eyes! [rushes out to buy new batteries]
Yeah, when writing it I'm generally just in humor mode, but once in a while I slip inadvertently into romance. I noticed that particular moment too, in the writing of it - "Whoops, almost started writing an actual love scene there."
Granted, if it's Merry/Pip slash you want, there's a lot more of it out there by more dedicated (and more explicit) writers than myself.
heh heh heh
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