May 02, 2005 18:02
today was so sad. i know im kind of just repeating what everyone else has already said, but the atmosphere was just totally different. usually its loud and crowded with lots of laughter but today was exactly the opposite, sort of quiet and empty with instead of laughing people, crying people and instead of smiling people, people walking around looking sort of lost. we didnt really do anything in any classes except math and western civ. i knew french was going to be awful from the second i heard the news. and it was. i walked in and zach's empty seat, the way everyone was crying, mrs. point kept talking about him and saying how he always wanted to share his food so she gave us skittles in memory of him, it was all too much and i started crying too. i feel so bad for all the people that were close to him. i can see how it affects everyone, not just the people who were close though. there was a little mini-controversy in study, where emily said that she wasnt affected so much because that used to happen all the time in chicago, and where maayan and brenna were like shocked that she would say somehting like that. im not sure what i think. they both sort of have points...i guess if that kind of thing is commonplace in chicago, thats kind of sad for chicago. it truly is a tragedy and i think it should be treated as one. i am disappointed that the chorus concert is cancelled, but i see why it has to be. and the whole rest of the day it was just that totally unnatural atmosphere for a high school. i dont know what to think. one second ill just be thinking oh its so sad they got in a car accident i hope they get better-and then i remember-they arent getting better at least not zach and mike. its such a hard reality to wrap your mind around. im going to the memorial tonight and i hope you are too.
i hope the rest of the week will be better
still praying for zach and mike's souls and for brendan's recovery.
<3 molly