February - Battle

Jan 29, 2008 12:45

When I was in seventh grade, I had to have my appendix taken out. Most people can go through their entire lives with the dumb organ still lodged inside their body, but not me. The thing hurt like a bitch and they said just a few more hours and the thing might have burst. Who knows what would have happened then, right? They say a person can die ( Read more... )

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darkersideofyou January 29 2008, 23:13:18 UTC
I couldn't help but smile a little bit at her before nodding. "Yeah," I said quietly. "We won." But winning came at a price, didn't it? It always did. I hadn't ever really gotten to know anyone at school, at least not past a surface level. But Molly, she was infectious and friendly. She was friends with everybody. I wasn't even sure how staggering the death toll was but I knew that it definitely added up.

"Ryan showed up and...we saw you go down. You took a pretty hard hit. Ryan had his car so we just brought you here." It was almost funny that she asked me if I was okay. I was fine, just like I knew I would be. It was easy not to be scared when your twin was psychic and had the tendency to see who was going to die. I should have known Molly wasn't going to either, surely Helena would have told me about that too, right?

"But Wolfram and Hart imploded. I guess the guy who killed your friends? He's dead now or sucked back to hell, or whatever. He's gone. He paid for it." I knew that would at least make her feel a little bit better. It wasn't all in vain, we definitely won.

"I hope you like hospital food." I grimaced. "Cause I think you're gonna be here for awhile. You don't even wanna know how many stitches you needed."


mollydavis January 30 2008, 00:50:03 UTC
We won. I had to smile a little bit at that, but then I remembered what winning cost all of us and I felt the smile fade. How many of our friends and fellow slayers died? How many were in dumb beds and hospital gowns like I was?

I looked up when she said the guy who killed the other slayers was dead. I noticed the way she said 'your' friends, but I didn't bother arguing with her right now about it. After I got out of here, we'd have to do something about making my friends her friends.

"Good. I hope he likes spending centuries in hell where he belongs."

And that was all I wanted to talk about that. Which was good because Lucy changed the subject pretty fast for me. I made a face. "Oh gross. I can go ahead and say that I am definitely not eating any jello. Or ice chips." I bit my bottom lip for a second and wondered if I could get one of them to bring me something when I got hungry. I was the injured slayer. I needed good food to make me all strong and stuff again, right?

At the mention of stitches, I made a face and lifted up my gown to look down at the bandages on my arms that covered up said stitches she was talking about. "Great. I've never had a single stitch in my life and now I've probably got about a thousand." Sighing, I looked back over at Lucy. "They can't keep me in here that long though, right? I mean, I can heal just as good at the school as I can here. I have superpowers.. and stuff."


darkersideofyou January 30 2008, 01:24:14 UTC
I arched an eyebrow in her direction as she immediately went back into Molly Mode. You know the one I'm talking about. "I really doubt anyone can make you stay somewhere you don't want to." I pointed out to her. What? I had a good point. "I think you should at least stay the night though. Just to be safe. Ryan and I will stay with you." I promised her with a slight smile. It wasn't the first time I slept in a plastic chair in a hospital room somewhere. And I knew that I wouldn't even have to ask Ryan to stay.

"And you just wanna come back to school so that I have to wait on you. Just admit it." I teased her a little bit as I took her plastic fork and poked at the lime jello on her tray. "Sure you don't want some. It looks delicious." I grimaced again. You couldn't pay me to eat that crap. "Maybe I can sneak you in a cupcake or something." I offered.

Just as I said it someone burst in through the door and I didn't even have to turn around to know that it was Seth. "Oh my God, Molly. Oh my God. Oh my God. Okay." He always made these weird spazzy hand gestures and I was sort of just struck watching him. How did he not have a coronary? "Are you okay? I mean, obviously you're not okay okay. Do you need some water? I can get you some water. Are they treating you right here because if they're not my dad has represented like a ton of doctors back in Newport and I can get him on the phone and he can have someone call over here. Let me go get you a nurse because I think that you..."

"Seth, take a breath." I said to him as I shook my head. "She's gonna be okay." Standing up I glanced back at Molly one more time. "I'm gonna get working on that cupcake. I'll be back." I promised her as I retreated through the door, and I swear I could still hear Seth yammering on as I made my way down the hallway.


mollydavis January 30 2008, 03:03:31 UTC
"Or.... maybe something like a cheeseburger if you're feeling really lucky." Ahem. I didn't look directly at Lucy when I mentioned said cheeseburger, but just kinda glanced out of the corner of my eye. What? I was stuck in this bed and couldn't move or I'd probably start bleeding all over the place. What else was me being this way good for?

Though, she was only half right about wanting her to wait on me once we got back to the school. Kennedy was like, my guardian right? Hmm. Wonder if she'd bring me some soup if I asked her.

Then all of a sudden the door burst open and Seth was there going on and on, asking questions, and I think literally going insane. I couldn't help but smile at him though. He wasn't freaking out in a bad way like I'd been worried he might. Like he'd freaked out about the 'slayers sometimes die' thing. And tonight? A lot of them had.

Lucy got up to leave and I smiled gratefully at her. "Thank you." Once she was gone, I tilted my head to the side and just waited for Seth to calm just a little and enough for me to get a word in to tell him I was gonna be alright. My body ached like crazy, but I was going to be okay.

"Seth," I said but he went on again about his dad and lawsuits a bunch of other stuff that I had trouble following which actually was saying something since I usually considered myself to be pretty good at following Seth's rambles.

"Seth," I said a little loud and I grinned at him when he finally stopped. I'm going to be okay. Okay?" I leaned my head back against the pillows, smiling a little. At least the bed didn't suck. "Hah, but are you okay?" I knew he'd been worried about me. "It's just a scratch."


imthefunnyone January 31 2008, 04:25:50 UTC
I glowered at Lucy as she retreated through the door with that look on her face I was the one overreacting here. Ummm, she was underreacting! Did she not realize Molly was in the hospital with probably about a thousand stitches in her? I had seen Molly heal pretty fast from a little cut or a couple bruises but we're talking stitches here! And I was feeling a little hungry so I was glad that she was getting cupcakes preferably chocolate because that has endorphins and that's like natures natural way of healing by making us happy.

"Me? I'm the guy who was on a walkie talkie all night. What could I have possibly done to injure myself except for perhaps a paper cut or sometimes I talk really loud and I have this whole inner ear thing..." I gestured to my ear before I looked back at Molly and realized she was smirking at me like I'm the funny one. Well, I am but she's in the hospital. "You're in the hospital, Molly. Why aren't you freaking out? I would be freaking out. I am freaking out. You know, if you freaked out a little bit it would make me feel a lot better about the whole thing." I admitted as I sat down on the edge of her bed and looked down at her.

"I don't know how you do it." I said to her. "I mean, marched off into battle with everyone knowing that you could get hurt and/or possibly die. How are you that brave?" I was a little afraid to look below her neck because I didn't want to see stitches. We Cohens have very weak stomachs and I'm pretty sure that I would end up being the sick one if I saw the extent of her injuries. See? This is what I'm talking about. This is why my super power is wit because when it comes down to it? I'm a big fat coward. Except for the fat part, I wear a lot of stripes and dark colors, it's very slimming.


mollydavis January 31 2008, 18:32:17 UTC
"I didn't necessarily mean you'd done anything to injure yourself. Just if.. you're okay." I shrugged a little bit but then realized that was the stupidest idea ever because I felt pain from the tops of my arms down to my fingers. Let's not do that again ever.

Why wasn't I freaking out? Well, I didn't need to because Seth was freaking out enough for half a dozen people. I smiled at him a little and had to fight the natural response to shrug again. We're not doing that again, remember? "I'm not dead." I looked back up at him. "I guess that's why I'm not freaking out or something. I mean, I think I expected one or the other, you know? Come out just fine or be a casualty." He had this weird look on his face and I laughed a little. "Hey, I'm.. well, not happy things turned out this way, but considering the two options I gave myself I guess I came out pretty good, huh?"

I didn't know how to answer his question about being brave, though. I was scared before and scared going into the fight, but it was just something that I had to do. And I'm not sure if that would make any sense or answer his question.

"Cause I have to be, I guess." I grinned. "Though, honestly? If I had come out of this unscathed I'd probably be the one marching up and down the halls yelling at doctors and asking them what was going on with all of us." And why wasn't I doing that anyway?

"Hmm. Maybe Kennedy told them to medicate me or something, huh?"


imthefunnyone February 3 2008, 02:52:17 UTC
I glowered at her some more when she thought the only options were to die or to come out like Xena Warrior Princess. I'm not sure which option would be better cause even though Xena appeared to some part of me mostly I think I would just be scared of her and for good reason. She's the Warrior Princess. "She better have." I answered her when she said she thought Kennedy had asked the doctors to medicate her.

"Why?" It suddenly occured to me that she might have brought all of this up because she was in bad pain and didn't want to ask for more because she was afraid that might make her look wimpy or something. "You've got like a million stitches so I think if you asked for more pain medication they wouldn't think any less of you, Molly." I assured her.

Getting up from the bed I went into the hallway and flagged down the first nurse I saw. "My girlfriend? Yeah, the one over there that probably looks like she got clawed by a polar bear? She needs some more medication. You know just because she's not crying or say screaming doesn't mean that her injuries aren't serious. You really need to pay some more attention to her."

The nurse rolled her eyes at me before walking past me and into Molly's room with me trailing along behind her. "You're having some pain, Ms. Davis?" She asked as she walked over to her bedside and started to fiddle with some of the doodads that were hooked up to her.

"Are you sure you should be doing that?" I asked her. "Maybe we should get the doctor in here."


mollydavis February 4 2008, 06:48:34 UTC
"What?" I asked, a little confused. I didn't mean that kind of medication! Just that Kennedy would probably want to medicate me 365 days of the year to tone me down a little if she could. Well, maybe not quite that bad, but I didn't mean I was in pain! I tried sitting up a little in bed, and okay so that did hurt a little, and called after my silly boyfriend as he started bothering the nurses.

"Seth!" I hissed out, but he didn't hear me. I gave a sheepish look to the nurse when she came into my room and sighed.

"I'm okay. Hurts to move a whole lot, but hey a little pain just reminds me that I shouldn't be moving in the first place, right?" Smiling just a little, I looked at the nurse as she checked the monitors and bags hung up next to the bed. Hey what was that anyway?

"You're sure?" She asked, giving a pointed look to Seth for a moment then looked back to me.

"For now. I'll call you in a couple hours when this stuff probably wears off." I smiled a little but she just gave me a curious look, nodded, and left the room.

Sighing, I looked back at Seth. He looked like I'd grown two heads. "I'm going to be fine, alright?" Reaching out slowly enough to not hurt too bad, I grabbed hold of his hand and pulled him a little closer. "But it's cool you're willing to harass the nursing staff for me, though." I grinned at him.

"Hey, with slayer healing I'm sure I'll be out of here in no time. Until then I get to have Kennedy bring me soup and Lucy bring me cupcakes in bed. Never thought I'd see the day."


imthefunnyone February 5 2008, 01:48:29 UTC
"Hey now," I pointed out to her with a slight grin as she pulled me down into the bed with her. "Not in pain, you're just milking this for the cupcakes. I'm onto you Miss Slayer of Cupcakes." Although I was a little amused at the idea of Lucy and Kennedy waiting on Molly. Why had I never thought of that. Injuries equal cupcakes and I'd really like to see Ryan bringing me soup in bed. He would do it but luckily for him I was still pretty much a coward so the chances of me getting injured weren't so good unless I were to take up snowboarding or something.

I wanted to hug her or something but I was afraid to move her or hurt her so instead I just awkwardly put my arm around her and pulled her a little closer to her. "Ow." I exclaimed when I felt something sharp, rectangular and plastic stick into my back. Reaching around behind me I felt what had been bothering me and pulled it out from underneath me.

"The ever sneaky remove. Look at this, you even get cable in this joint. If they have room service we're moving in." I teased her a little bit as I turned the TV on and started flipping through channels. "Okay, no anime network I'm not sold. We should demand an upgrade." I told her as she pulled the remote out of my hand and flicked until she landed on Bonanza and stopped. Turning I arched an eyebrow in her direction. "You're right. Kennedy definitely medicated you."


mollydavis February 5 2008, 22:40:33 UTC
"Might as well take advantage of a bad situation, huh?" I tilted my head up at him with a grin and was happy when he finally gave in and sat down next to me. Even put an arm around me and everything. I frowned when he moved though and just half rolled my eyes at the remote then sank back against him once he started flipping channels.

No anime network? That's just too bad. Ahem.

I raised a brow when he questioned my Bonanza. "Hey now, Adam is hot. He's always getting into trouble, or losing the woman he loves. But he's hot. Me and my little sister used to watch this when I was little," I said and rested my head against his shoulder.

Lucy better get back with that cupcake soon. I was starting to get hungry and really didn't want to have to resort to hospital food and ice chips. Gross.

"We should take a vacation or something somewhere once these dumb stitches get out. We could try and convince Ryan and Lucy to come or just go alone. Any ideas?"


imthefunnyone February 8 2008, 06:23:11 UTC
I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head to get a good look at this so called "hot" Adam guy. Pfft. Maybe if you liked those really manly kind of guys. Which to be fair, most girls did. Molly was however, not really like most girls. I mean, she likes me.

"That's a great idea." I told her. "Aaaaand. I didn't want to ruin the surprise or anything but Ryan and I were planning on surprising you and Lucy with a trip to Vegas on Valentine's Day." I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "That's right. We're going to Vegas. I love the Vegas. And once we get there I plan to rent us the finest hotel room that Sandy Cohen's can buy." I said proudly to her.

To be fair, Ryan and I had only tossed the idea around a little bit. The two of us had a lot of fun the last time we were in Vegas but there was that little matter of accidentally hanging out with a prostitute all day long. And then the unhappy pimp. It was just bad news. But this time was going to be different. This time I'd have Molly and she was a slayer which meant she could have broken that pimp in half.

"Have you ever been?" I asked her as I glanced over at her shaking her head. "It's only a few hours drive from here. Just think. You, me, Ryan and Lucy, some Death Cab in the stereo."


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